

作者:Renata Barradas

The team atDarden&Companyhas been managing largescale construction projects in the Atlanta, Georgia, USA, area since 1999. Its portfolio includes the training facility of Major League Soccer team Atlanta United, the Arthur M. Blank Family Office Building, and several other large hotel, condominium, office and mixed-use buildings.

The biggest project to date was the construction of the Mercedes-Benz Stadium, the associated demolition of the Georgia Dome, and the construction of The Home Depot Backyard. That such an immense project was entrusted to a local firm is a testament to the confidence the Atlanta community has in Darden & Company.

Documenting one of the largest covered stadiums

在亚特兰大的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰体育场结束后,达登&公司的任务是管理佐治亚州圆顶(有史以来最大的覆盖体体育场之一)的内爆 - 随后建造了娱乐场所。该公司发现,无人机(UAV)图像和映射服务是按计划保持项目并与从上到下与利益相关者进行沟通所需的。

佐治亚圆顶是70,000个座位的体育场在亚特兰大。建造时,它是世界上最大的覆盖体。圆顶是NFL亚特兰大猎鹰的家24个季节,在当时,它的托管超过1,400个事件参加超过3700万观众。梅赛德斯 - 奔驰体育场完成后,它在2017年11月被拆除83英尺(approximately 25 metres) away.

家得宝后院是44,515平方米的绿色空间located on the former Georgia Dome site. It’s the perfect spot to tailgate before a Falcons game, see an outdoor movie, or attend a community festival.

The story of how the Georgia Dome became The Home Depot Backyard is the story of5,000磅(约2268公斤)炸药,大量的碎片和将近一年的辛勤工作 - 多维斯塔在那里记录了所有这些。


  • 33,085 Images captured
  • 生产的70个天线天线视频
  • 535千兆字节处理的数据量

第一个挑战 - 保护邻居


Project management firm Darden & Company was contracted to coordinate and oversee the many players contributing to the demolition of the Georgia Dome and the construction of The Home Depot Backyard. The team at Darden & Company hired Multivista to capture detailed imagery of the neighbouring structures and the Dome itself immediately before and after demolition.

“爆炸是精心计划的,以避免损坏,但我们想确保我们有很多世界国会中心和新体育场的图像,以防万一发生任何意外发生的资源。”says Jason Hughes, senior vice president at Darden & Company.


Second challenge – Tracking material removal

当你摧毁一个70,000个座位的体育场,您会得到很多碎片。删除所有瓦砾并为家得宝后院带来新材料是一个巨大的挑战 - 但Darden&Company凭借其无与伦比的LargesCale项目管理经验,远远超出了准备。

Darden&Company使用Multivista使用无人机映射记录项目网站。Once a week, Multivista pilots would fly UAVs over the site, collecting visual data. That data was processed through an advanced photogrammetry engine to produce a map that could be accessed from within the Multivista platform. Project stakeholders were able to annotate the map, use it tomeasure distance, volume, area and elevation, and export the captured data to创建3D模型

“我们将拍摄上周的航空地图,将其并排与本周的地图进行比较,以便我们可以说出过去一周中删除的内容的数量,大小和规模,”says Hughes.


第三挑战 - 与利益相关者进行沟通

Multivista’s aerial images and orthomosaic maps were invaluable for communicating with project stakeholders who wanted to keep tabs on progress without having to visit the site. Hughes describes weekly principal’s meetings where project stakeholders would review the latest UAV map and discuss next steps.

“我们能够使用空中数据在内部和外部进行进度。‘是的,我们最重要的是,’“是的,我们正在管理它,”“是的,他们打了约会 - 这就是我们能说的,’”休斯说。

In addition, the aerial imagery turned out to be a great way to send updates to Arthur Blank, co-founder of The Home Depot and owner of the Atlanta Falcons.

“先生。空白喜欢通过我们的每周更新看到航拍图片,”says Hughes.“We used them to communicate progress, so he could ask questions. There’s no better tool for communication than these aerial images.”


Darden&Company使用Multivista在佐治亚州圆顶内爆和家得宝后院以及梅赛德斯 - 奔驰体育场的建设和设施管理上提供了广泛的服务。

These services spanned over four years and included site surveys, interior and exterior progressions, pre-slab, underground utilities, and MEP Exact-Built® documentation, owner training videos, and live-streaming webcams. Deliverables to document this four-year transformation included:

  • 无人机图像
  • UAV flyover videos
  • 空中映射
  • Photo
  • 视频
  • Live-stream webcam
  • Webcam time lapse

“最初,我们正在谈论建立一个网络摄像头,供猎鹰在公共关系方面使用,只是为了给球迷提供最新,最伟大的摄像头。”says Hughes.“但是,由于我们正在从事多个项目,因此我们知道我们可以使用多维斯塔来管理日常活动。在前端这是一个非常简单的决定,我们肯定已经从中获得了价值。”



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