Building a better future with measuring technology

Case study

作者:Renata Barradas Gutiérrez


TheRural Development Organisation (RDO)成立于2012年,并hed in Tanzania, is aware of the life-changing potential of learning a new trade. RDO, in partnership with Eine Welt Gruppe Schlins - Röns, works to improve the long-term living conditions of the people in the regions of Mdabulo and Kilolo, in the highlands of Tanzania, through diverse programs based on the principles of sustainability and knowledge transfer. RDO is opening opportunities to young men and women through vocational training and building projects – undertakings where Leica Geosystems equipment has proved useful.

The transformative power of lasers and levels

For young people in the region, mainly living from subsistence farming, RDO training centre is a hub of opportunities to expand their prospects byreceiving training on diverse craft trades and sustainable agricultural practices. RDO’s beneficiaries usually come from an agricultural holding and completed compulsory schooling but couldn’t continue their studies. The training provided by RDO in specialised areas includes practical and theoretical courses and is completed by a state examination.

Craft trades have no tradition here, which is why craft training places are rare, and the infrastructure for such training is generally very poorly developed. In addition, there are only a small number of secondary schools, which are only affordable for a fraction of the population,” explained Johannes Rauch, project manager at Eine Welt Gruppe Schlins - Röns.

To支持RDO的任务, Leica Geosystems donated aLeica NA730 automatic level, ALeica Rugby 800 Series旋转激光和组织的距离计。从那时起,设备一直是支持RDO项目的关键。

“We use Leica Geosystems equipment very frequently and very often. This has made our work much easier. In the training for building craftsmen, these devices increase the value and the modernity of the training very much,”stated Rauch.

RDO-中心位于Mdabulo - 一栋多功能的撞车建筑,与RDO-工匠学校的毕业生和学生一起建立。该建筑项目由Eth Zurich学生提供。

At RDO’s course centre in Mdabulo and through hands-on community projects, students learn the basics of construction and acquire skills using the automatic level, rotating laser and distance metre. Students learn to use the Rugby Series laser for different applications including, land levelling, grade checking, tie in slopes, vertically align formwork, and set out walls. Likewise, using theNA730 automatic level,学习者了解如何测量距离,设置标准基准线,定义高度差异并读取高度。

“培训是通过建筑工匠学校的常规课程进行的。现在,激光和电平设备的使用牢固地固定在课程中。每年,大约有40名学生都接受了激光,水平和远程计的使用培训。”said Rauch.

Delivering drinking water, building better schools

徕卡呈设备也用于欺诈struction of the region’s infrastructure, including schools, buildings and water supply works. As of today, three water supply concrete tanks have been erected and four school buildings at two school locations are currently being built.

“ Leica Geosystems设备在建造我们的项目建筑物中特别有用,”said Rauch.

A key programme of RDO is the construction and management of drinking water facilities in the villages. Geared with Leica Geosystems equipment, RDO and Vorarlberg experts together with the villagers, dug water pipes from the spring catchments into the villages, wells and founded water cooperatives.

Surveying the construction site of an elevated tank in the village Isele, Tanzania, to provide water supply.

在带有深山谷和高度的丘陵地形上计划,挖掘和建造供水基础设施并不是一件容易的事。为了正确地,NA730自动级别在很长的距离内使用3.5 to 4 kilometres to measure foundations与重力管道有关的精确计划管道铺设梯田。

“Previously, the foundations were done with a slat and spirit level or with a cord spirit level. Deviations up to 15 centimetres at distances up to 15 metres were the rule,”said Rauch.“The use ofthe levelling device greatly simplified planning and made it safer.Also, we have succeeded in significantly improving the accuracy.”


赋予人们和想法来竭尽所能 - 这是Hexagon技术解决方案背后的最终目的。bob体育报道从这个意义上讲,RDO利用坦桑尼亚社区的建筑工具来提供清洁水的机会,提供结构,以便儿童上学,并为一代年轻人准备具有贸易和技能的年轻人,以面对当前和未来的挑战。获得测量和定位技术的访问不仅具有发展我们周围世界的变革力量,而且还提供熟练的劳动力来赚取生计。

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