Leica Conx– Cloud Solution & Web Interface to Share and Visualise Data

Open, simplified and user friendly cloud based collaboration platform for managing and transferring of data.

Leica Conxis the cloud enabled solution that construction companies need to manage, monitor and share construction and survey data in real time everywhere.

Personnel and machines on the jobsite need to share the same data and stay in sync so work can be carried out effectively, on time and budget. Leica ConX is a web-based suite of tools that harmonises and simplifies the data handling for your machine control operations, significantly reducing your downtime.

This cloud-based collaboration tool allows you to efficiently manage all your connected construction projects, including third party platforms, and share job-related data with all stakeholders. With Leica ConX, non-experienced users will be able to visualise and validate localised reference models, survey data and constructed data.

Leica Conx为您提供了快速,更易于使用的工具套件,您需要更快,更有效地完成工作。


  • 可视化和验证在2D和3D中使用并生成现场的数据,并在交互式地图上定位,以与现场的所有人进行协作和通信
  • 共享更新和更正以在整个项目中实时参考模型数据,以确保透明度和对设计更新的快速反应
  • 将格式转换为集成第三方平台,提高连接并整合现有的工作流程
  • 通过分配工作并向操作员和等级检查员提供提议和参考数据来远程监视机器控制操作,以确保您避免昂贵的返工和错误
  • Report productivity for the work that has been performed to validate what work has been completed and that the results are to specification
Leica Conx Work Flow Infographic

Anmeldung bei Leica ConX

Klicken Sie Unten,Um Sich Bei Leica Conx,Der Webbasierten Cloud-Lösung,Anzumelden。
Klicken Sie Unten,Um Sich Bei Leica Conx,Der Webbasierten Cloud-Lösung,Anzumelden。

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Hier finden Sie Ihren Leica Geosystems Ansprechpartner für Vertrieb, Support und technischen Service.
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