如何使用Leica GS18 I数据

Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK rover utilises highly innovative Visual Positioning technology based on integration of GNSS, IMU and a camera. With Visual Positioning, users can capture areas of interest from a distance and measure points from images. It enables you to measure points from images with survey-grade accuracy either in the field or in the office.
The office workflow for GS18 I is based on Infinity. Users can measure single points or create a point cloud from the data. Here is a quick workflow.

Import and visualise GS18 I data in the project

要导入GS18 I数据,只需从功能区中选择导入即可。在“导入”对话框中,突出显示DBX文件,然后选择导入。在图形视图中放大,旋转和锅,以获取导入的数据和图像的概述。导入的图像组和相关图像在导航器中的“库对象”列表中列出。

Leica InfinitySurvey Software screenshot

Measure Points from images


Leica InfinitySurvey Software screenshot

Image 2: Measuring points from images in the Image Viewer

Merge image groups


Create a Dense point cloud

从GS18捕获的数据中创建一个密集的点云,我遵循与从无人机数据创建点云相同的步骤。在创建密集点云之前,请从功能区中的“成像”选项卡中定义设置。指定过滤阈值和最小值。每个点的匹配数以更好地处理异常值或质量差数据。可以通过从功能区或上下文菜单中选择图像组并选择密集点云来创建密集点云。处理任务启动并可以在“ Inspector Image成像”选项卡的“成像结果”部分中查看。任务完成后,将移至结果部分。存储结果以在视图窗格和导航器中可视化密集点云。

Leica InfinitySurvey Software screenshot
Image 3: Dense Point Cloud of a building elevation generated from GS18 I images

Move the on-site work to the office and measure points from images.观看视频to learn how to work with the GS18 I data in more details.

For more Infinity tutorials,查看完整的播放列表.

Monika Bodziak
Product Engineer, Leica Infinity

Leica Infinity

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