Leica Geosystems宣布了最新版本的公共安全软件

Leica Map360 v4.0介绍了三个版本,以数字化和记录任何崩溃或犯罪现场

Leica Map360 V4

(瑞士海尔布鲁格,2020年6月2日) - 六边形公司Leica Geosystems今天宣布了最新版本bob体育报道Leica Map360crash and crime scene diagramming and reconstruction software, bringing three editions to meet specific customer needs based on the technology used to measure and collect any scene.

用一个全新的用户体验(UX)和强度rface, Map360 v4.0 simplifies incident reconstruction activities for investigators, reconstructionists and other public safety personnel. With 2D intuitive workflows, Map360 Sketch offers a program designed to create basic diagrams, floorplans, and reports from manual measurements, imported points, or UAV imagery. At an intermediate level, Map360 Standard works with TPS and GNSS technology introducing 3D capabilities and tools as well as animation. Map360 Pro is directed at those using workflows that result in the creation of a 3D point cloud, such as laser scanners and UAV photogrammetry, offering advanced 3D capabilities and point cloud support.

“This has to be the best release, yet. The majority of our scenes will use the body poser feature to show an accurate reconstruction of the scene,”北达科他州刑事调查局的特工斯科特·卡夫(Scott Kraft)说,Beta测试用户为产品团队提供了Afull reviewof the software.“Map360 was a quality product prior to this, but the newest version definitely adds a lot of appeal to the software in terms of ease of use.”

Digitise. Analyse. Present.
公共安全官员现在可以对叙述进行数字化,分析证据,并使用MAP360 v4.0更轻松,更准确地提出事实。场景的关键细节可以在视觉上传达给法官,陪审团和其他法律参与者,并具有一丝图表,预先计划的计划,事件重建和其他适合法院的展览,并在最新版本的软件中提供了几个新更新。升级的功能包括流线型命令,增强的属性和握把,交互式对象,增加的符号,身体姿势和八个语言版本。该软件中的其他新产品包括交点向导,动量角度计算器,图像刻度,点自动连接器,QA报告,寄存器360 Ortho Images和Geotag支持和Silhouette模式。

“Public safety authorities need digital solutions to help protect communities and bring swift and thorough justice,”Leica Map360法医产品经理Chenel Cordonier说。“在开发最新版本的Leica Map360时,这种需求是我们的前瞻性。我们旨在为现场使用的任何工具提供正确的软件;确保我们可以为所有用户提供至关重要和重要的工作。有了新的UX,更直观的工作流以及CAD的核心,所有级别的经验和场景复杂性都可以与MAP360一起使用,从基本图表到高级点云。”

Communications Team
Leica GeosystemsAG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg


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