Leica Cyclone Field 360快速计划简化了建模工作流程


Leica Cyclone Field 360继续提高现场的生产力通过使用户能够立即查看和检查扫描数据,添加各种地理位置并在几秒钟内自动对齐设置。Cyclone Field 360的主要目的一直是在现场准备扫描数据,并在办公室稍后保存后处理时间。通过引入快速计划,可以直接在现场创建完成的可交付方式。

快速的计划是一个购买的插件,可以活性ated within the旋风场360应用程序并增强现有的现场3D现实捕获工作流程。bob综合app赌博它在数据捕获过程中提供了快速的结果,并允许用户通过沿捕获数据中的墙壁滑动来创建房间。用户可以定义门和窗户,导出3D模型并与办公室中的项目合作者共享。

Quick Plan的简单,触摸友好的导航使创建所需的可交付方式变得容易。它是针对设施管理和AEC市场领域的所有室内建模应用程序的理想伴侣。用户可以快速创建简单,完整的房间布局,以交付给客户或完成Leica Cloudworxor狮子旋风3DR

快速计划在由Android或iOS提供动力的消费级移动设备上运行,为从点云中提取简单的3D型号提供了一种简单快速的方法。这些简单的3D型号由带墙壁,门和窗户的房间组成,并基于Cyclone Field 360的现场预注册。

To create a Quick Plan in the field, six basic steps are necessary. The functions highlighted in red below are specific to Quick Plan and explained throughout this insight. At any point during Quick Plan creation, it is possible to interrupt the modelling process to create or register an additional scan. For more information about the overall laser scanning process and registering scan data with Cyclone FIELD 360, you can在这里阅读更多



图2:滑动手势的结果 - 紫色的青色和丢弃点中的选定潜在墙点

The selected wall points are used to calculate an initial best fitting line. On each end of the initial line, Quick Plan finds additional wall points in the direction of the initial line. These points are used to refine the initial line and update its length and direction. Once a large enough gap is detected in the data, the automated line refinement ends and the result is displayed. Figure three shows the resulting line of the initial swipe gesture shown in figure two.

Figure 3: resulting line after swipe gesture shown in figure 2



  1. 定义房间的垂直位置

  2. 帮助窗户和门建模


Extracting windows and doors




It is worth mentioning that Quick Plan understands that wall openings exist on both sides of a wall, hence they only need to be modelled on one side of a wall and are automatically carried over to the adjacent room.

Export and share

A DXF or an IFC file can be created and stored on the tablet computer. Using cloud services like Dropbox, OneDrive or iCloud, or just attaching the file to an email, the Quick Plan can be shared with colleagues, project collaborators or clients, from the field to the office.


With Quick Plan, users can immediately start to model in the field while scanning to reach maximum productivity. The data can be shared with office colleagues for immediate QA/QC checks but is also passed through the traditional office ecosystem. Quick Plan is therefore an integral part of the project as it travels downstream. By investing in Quick Plan, users can be more efficient in the field no matter if the project is to create complex models or create simple room layouts.

快速计划是旋风场360的可选附加组件,可与所有支持的Leica Geosystems陆地激光扫描仪一起使用(BLK360,RTC360和ScanStation P系列)。为了访问快速计划导出功能,需要将其添加到具有现有Leica Cyclone订阅许可证或任何Cyclone Field 360或Cyclone寄存器寄存器家庭模块的Cyclone Cloud帐户中。

Download the free Cyclone FIELD 360 app from theApp StoreandGoogle Play

有关更多信息,请联系我们or contact your local Leica Geosystems sales representative.

Jakob Lidl
Senior Product Engineer

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Introducing Cyclone FIELD 360 Quick Plan

Introducing Cyclone FIELD 360 Quick Plan

