

城市基础设施并非一夜之间建造。在计划,设计和施工之间,还有其他关键活动 - 就像同时进行监控一样。

The train network in Melbourne, Australia, is getting a major revamp with several projects in progress to help tackle congestion. To improve travel around Melbourne, the Victorian Government is removing dangerous and congested rail level crossings, which will deliver significant safety improvements for drivers and pedestrians. The major project will enable more frequent services for thousands of commuters travelling to the city every day.

此外,地铁隧道项目将为大都市网络增加新的地下车站和下一代高容量的火车 - 释放了墨尔本铁路网络上更多的火车。这也意味着将安装下一代,高容量的信号传导,从而使火车可以安全地靠近,更频繁地将火车运行。



作为关卡拆除项目的一部分,Heading and Associates的团队的任务是监视两个站点的300多米铁路。为了实现这一目标,团队安装了一个自动监视系统,以监视24/7的铁路运动,包括Leica Nova MS60Leica Nova TS60总站和部署了178个左撇子地理系统,监视安装在轨道上的棱镜,以在白天和晚上30分钟的频率下监视。

In some circumstances applying traditional manual monitoring may not be a practical approach, such as the project that the Heading and Associates team were tackling. The project required many observations during the day and implementing an automated monitoring system made sense as it’s more cost effective for the client.

TheLeica Geomos监视解决方案用于监视24/7的移动,提供分析铁路轨道并量化几何变化并接收实时警报所需的数据。

“Automating monitoring also means it is a safer solution than conducting monitoring during the day and night – it means that personnel do not have to enter the rail corridor”迈克尔·佩恩(Michael Payne)说,迈克尔·佩恩(Michael Payne)表示,同事监视和激光扫描专家。对于我们的客户而言,这使其在项目的长度上成为更具成本效益的解决方案,因为没有用于安全许可证的应用程序或所需的其他资源(例如轨道力保护协调员)。

When choosing the instruments, the key deciding factors to use the MS60 and theTS60 are the instruments’ accuracy, robustness and long servicing intervals, even when the instruments are relied on to read hundreds of prisms in tight corridors. This makes the MS60 and TS60 the go-to monitoring total stations for the Heading and Associates team.

权力和沟通是计划项目时考虑的一些因素。更具体地说,该团队需要安装太阳能系统来运行仪器,因为项目站点上没有240V电源。如果团队需要任何技术支持,他们知道他们可以依靠Leica Geosystems澳大利亚分销伙伴C.R. Kennedy。

C.R.肯尼迪在特定于监视应用程序的太阳能和数据传输解决方案方面的经验至关重要。通过Leica Comgate使用4G网络简化了一个原本复杂的通信过程。

Autonomous data delivery

To deliver accurate and timely data to the client, the team used a combination of GeoMoS Monitor and现在的怪异呢使用Geomos监视器,团队将阈值设置为三个极限级别,如果超过这些限制,则团队和提名的接收者能够在违规后立即实时接收SMS和电子邮件。现在的怪异!被用来借助图来分析和可视化数据,显示极限水平作为背景颜色。

The Heading and Associates team embraced automation even when it came to representing data in a graphical format. Using GeoMoS Now! the team created a report template and scheduled it to be generated and sent via email daily.

“What we really like about the solution is that we can automate the report creation. The visual and graphical representation makes it simple for our end-user to interpret and see on the graph the movement of each individual point in relation to where the alert levels are – including automatically-emailed reports every morning as well as a weekly reporting of data”said Payne.

自2012年以来,我一直在各种项目中进行自动监控,这已经走了很长一段路。所有报告都与客户共享 - 这是我们的主要交付。Leica Geomos易于使用;它是用户友好的,我们可以轻松输入所需的所有参数。现在从Geomos监视器到Geomos的集成!使收集和向我们的客户介绍信息变得更加容易,”Payne added.

Words of wisdom

We asked Michael Payne if he had any practical advice to share with fellow industry professionals considering automated monitoring.


  1. 始终考虑放置乐器。监视点之间的角度可能会使系统的效率很大,在这种情况下是棱镜的位置。对于这个项目,团队确保将仪器放置在远离目标站点的上方。

  2. 良好的数据基线很重要。该团队建议在开始之前拥有两到三周的数据来评估任何趋势,以便可以将其视为运动。他们在数据中所做的很多事情是趋势分析,如果项目限制允许,可以访问基线数据总是有帮助的。

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