Leica Geosystems to present at Capturing Reality Forum


Join Leica Geosystems at the Capturing Reality Forum, 23-25 November 2015, in Salzburg, Austria.

在Booth 64上访问我们,了解量捕获的量如何有助于开放革命性的应用程序,在这种应用程序中,传统扫描解决方案从未有过。从专家那里听到有关最新技术游戏规则改变者的消息,这些游戏改变者将设计和现实更加紧密地融合在一起,因为它必须是正确的。

Additionally Leica Geosystems will present two technical workshops:

  • Bringing volume data capture into the BIM generation
  • Land, Sea and Sky(scrapers): The Leica Airborne LiDAR Portfolio

Capturing Reality Forum brings together individuals with a shared interest in 3D imaging and visualisation from within sectors such as civil infrastructure projects, land and natural assets management, industrial facilities, emergency services and disaster response, architecture and construction, heritage, media, forensic and security to name just a few.



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