碰撞和犯罪现场测量– are you ready for the new ISO/IEC standards?



到2020年10月1日,犯罪现场和碰撞调查人员(无论是警察还是私人案件)必须符合两种全球标准。他们的实验室测试必须获得ISO/IEC 17025的认可,并且他们的现场考试计划获得了ISO/IEC 17020的认可。


At present, each police force in the UK has its own standard operating procedure and quality-management system. Types and brands of equipment vary widely between forces, or two forces may have the same kit but use it differently. Or different individuals within the same force may calibrate and use the same piece of equipment differently.


然而,目前缺乏标准化可能会导致法院的错误决定,甚至可能因缺乏可靠的证据而被抛弃。我们所有人所需要的 - 警察,刑事司法系统和公众 - 通过一致的流程和技术实现,对一致的结果保持了一致的信心。

Implications for 3D scanning

如今,由于Leica Geosystems等公司制造的3D激光(或LIDAR)扫描技术,对犯罪或碰撞现场进行调查变得更加简单,更快,更准确。最近退休的法医调查员科林·汉弗莱斯(Colin Humphreys)与沃里克郡警察局(Warwickshire Police)一起知道扫描仪可以多快完成这项工作:“枪击事件发生后,市中心关闭了,我们需要尽快重新开放街道。因此,我打了电话,在几个小时内,Leica Geosystems的某人带着RTC360扫描仪到达。在一个不到一个小时的时间内,我们使用25个以上的电台扫描了整个场景。这是RTC360第一次在犯罪现场使用,实际上数据是在今年2月在皇冠法院使用的 - 做得好,Leica Geosystems!”

新验证过程的重要部分将涉及如何以及何时校准,使用和维护此类测量设备。Anya Hunt博士是特许科学学会(CSF)的首席执行官,并一直与警察局紧密合作,以帮助他们为认证做准备。她解释说:“根据ISO/IEC 17020的要求以及法医科学监管机构的实践和行为守则,必须验证仪器方法。”

她一直在与Leica Geosystems合作,以确定如何使用和使用测量设备,以便犯罪现场调查人员对如何遵守新标准有清晰的状态。“ Leica Geosystems似乎非常重视它。他们已经研究了在静态和动态情况下使用特定类型设备的验证和验证的要求,以及了解相关的挑战。”

Leica Geosystems正在帮助警察准备

From the police side, Frances Senior had been liaising with Dr Hunt at the CSFS in order to help prepare forces in England and Wales for accreditation. Although she works for West Yorkshire Police, she is on secondment to the National Police Chiefs Council, leading on forensic collision investigation.

法国s explains why Leica Geosystems was one of the manufacturers invited to work on the accreditation project: “They’re one of the main suppliers of scanning technology to policing, and they were very kind to accept. Leica Geosystems have been very helpful in sharing their research and expertise and have been available throughout to support the project and understand the process of forensic regulation. They can guide the police through some of the difficult areas where we perhaps don’t have the expertise or capacity internally. They’ve been very generous and hugely supportive with the method validation work that we're undertaking.”

Mike Skicko, the UK public safety lead for crime scene and collision investigation at Leica Geosystems, is in charge of the company’s participation in the validation project. “We’ve been working closely with police forces across the UK for some years now. We know investigators well and we understand what sort of challenges they’re up against on a daily basis. We listen to their feedback and we are happy to support them as and when necessary.”



Dr Hunt understands that not everyone is looking forward to the accreditation process. “There are negative perceptions around the ongoing workload, but actually once you get used to doing the same method reproducibly, you’ll save time and effort – because you’re doing the same thing every time, rather than perhaps not knowing exactly what you’re doing, or using a number of methods, or doing it in a non-reproducible way. Quality is there to support us, and to give the public and the courts confidence in the work that we do.”

丹·夏普(Dan Sharp)在加入西约克郡警察局的成像部门之前接受了测量师的培训,他在那里管理了一支犯罪现场测量师的团队。他接受验证将是艰苦的努力,但看到了它的价值。“最初,要获得ISO认证,这将是很多工作,并且将对我们的日常工作产生运营影响。不过,这是必要的,它将帮助我们改善和标准化输出。

“It'll protect our officers and staff, so we can go into court and say we have an ISO certificate to prove that our process is accurate and valid. Whereas currently, the emphasis is on the officer’s experience and their expertise – but it's getting near the time where that is not going to be sufficient. You're going to need some accreditation paperwork behind your expertise, and that's going to be the process ISO accreditation.”

科林·汉弗莱斯(Colin Humphreys)(前沃里克郡警察)表示同意。“需要对使用该套件的任何人都有信心,因此他们可以说,‘我正确地使用了它,我遵循了方法,这将被法院接受。从长远来看,它只能是积极的。’”

– Dr Anya Hunt, CEO, Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences

“As one of the main suppliers of scanning technology to policing, Leica Geosystems has been very generous in supplying expertise and technology to this project.”
– Frances Senior, NPCC specialist capability lead for forensic collision investigation

“Leica Geosystems very much appear to be ahead of the curve at the moment in their understanding of the need for validation and verification.”
– Dr Anya Hunt, CEO, Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences



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