采矿的未来 - 端到端整合


Author:内维尔·贾德(Neville Judd)

bob体育报道Hexagon正在帮助采矿公司采用统一的数字策略来改善其业务决策。该部门的新首席技术官Rob Daw是为客户带来数字化转型的领导。端到端的矿山整合Daw解释说,这是这种转变的核心,他是Miplan的联合创始人,acquired by Hexagon in 2017。He brings more than 15 years’ experience in both open pit and underground operations.

In a recent HxGN Spotlight interview, Daw elaborated on his background, the current and future state of the mining industry and his expectations for the CTO position.


我们是delivering world-class technologies to the mining industry。我们希望继续专注于我们的客户以及如何通过我们的产品提供更多价值,并协助这些产品的服务。bob综合app下载这是关于看自己,并确保我们练习我们的讲道;内部交付我们的人民;并改善我们的日常工作。

You travel a lot, visiting mines, talking to miners. What are the most common challenges you're hearing about from them?

Increasing productivity,提高安全性并降低成本are as relevant today as they have been over the last five years, or 10 years. I think the big challenge that I'm starting to identify, as a lot of these new technologies are adopted and the行业看自主和其他领域,是矿山的社会变革。社交许可,如果您想称呼它;我们如何适应劳动力;我们如何将劳动力与我们一起在技术之旅中以及我们的劳动力一起 - 对于许多行业而言,这绝对是一个挑战,我认为我们需要重点关注。

Give us a snapshot of Hexagon’s Mining division's portfolio.

So, everything from ourMinePlan product portfolio,我们谈到了钻孔分析的探索,并将其存储到设计,调度,计划,然后探索到生产世界进行钻孔和爆炸。然后,我们有了将其推向运营世界的技术。We have capabilities through fleet management, asset health,然后我们的安全投资组合,我们有避免碰撞的情况,个人警报,包括车辆对车辆和车辆对车辆的保护, 也vehicle intervention

我们也有一个非常令人兴奋的领域,我们也开始使用自主投资组合,我们正在寻找辅助技术。We’re working with our clients on the journey and the roadmap to autonomy, so we can facilitate that change-management process in those mines.

All these technologies generate a substantial amount of data. So, we also have the enterprise platform, which enables us to将所有这些信息汇总在一起,并通过了解这些不同技术之间的相互作用来推动价值并对每个投资组合中的每个投资组合都提供无与伦比的见解,也有一个整体观点。


The hot topic in the mining industry is around自主系统, but for me there’s also a whole other world of autonomous in terms of technology with processes and some of the office-type technologies that we can automate as well. I’m keen to look at how those two worlds - the office and the field - can merge in that autonomous role.

Chief Technology Officer at Hexagon Mining

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