Heerbrugg的年度职业职业活动, Switzerland


The Leica Geosystems team in Heerbrugg participated in the Chance Industrie Rheintal vocational career event in St Margrethen from Thursday 6 November to Saturday 8 November 2014. The team who organised and manned our booth was comprised of Margaret Wetzlhütter, Andrea Wicki-Bormann, and Martina Nesensohn. They were joined by some of our current apprentices working at Leica Geosystems: Fabienne Halter, Kevin Baumgartner, and Shqiponja Dermaku.


Chance Industrie Rheintal是一个当地协会,旨在确保莱茵河谷被认为是高技能专业人士工作的有吸引力的地方。除了Leica Geosystems外,该协会还代表了莱茵河谷的其他18个著名的工业公司,总体上有6400名员工和435名学生。
每年,Chance Industrie Rheintal都会举办一项专业活动,青少年可以与父母一起参加,以了解该地区工业工作场所中可以使用的学徒机会。作为Chance Industrie Rheintal协会的首批成员公司之一,Leica Geosystems致力于支持年轻人以技术学徒的形式接受职业培训。


Both students and employers were able to engage in an interactive way during the Event - there were various hands-on activities available at the Leica Geosystems booth to show potential apprentices the types of activities they might encounter on the job. This enables the Apprenticeship candidates to get an insight into what it is like to work in various different professions, how corporations are structured, and the tasks involved in their day-to-day working life. In addition, students have the opportunity to receive helpful tips at the Candidate Coaching sessions. On the third and final day, parents were able to obtain information from the Centre, which assists them in supporting their children through the process of selecting their chosen career.
We would like to thank all who were involved for their organisation and participating in this event, and in particular for taking time out of their scheduled to support this great initiative. We also hope to meet some of the participants again as employees in the coming years.

Further information about this initiative can be found这里
Margret Wetzlhuetter


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