用Lino L4P1和Disto™D2构建干墙



作者:Cornelia Dietz.

Edin Osmanagic started his own business, founding Solid-Bau in 2012 dedicated to drywall construction and interior design. Since its establishment, he has engaged two additional drywall builders. The tasks in interior construction are diverse, such as prefabricated walls, suspended ceilings, linings, flooring systems and built-in fixtures.

当时奥斯卡吉什于1998年完成了他的学徒和DryWall Builder,使用测量胶带完成了大量的工作。三角形必须根据毕达哥拉斯以三,四和五的比例计算痛苦地计算。两人完全被占用了四到五天,准备住宅区的海拔20个单位。

测量和计算区域现在已经变得更加容易,更有效。使用Leica DISTO™ D2Leica Lino L4P1, Osmanagic hasreduced his time and cost savings to more than 50 per cent

“由于多线激光LINO L4P1和激光距离计DISTO™D2,这些天一切都变得更有效,”said Osmanagic.“我们现在只需要两天两个人做同样的工作。”



Osmanagic与他的两名员工在一个新的建筑项目中,包括德国林道的两个大型住宅楼。他们的任务是用一个竖立螺柱墙wall surface area of 1,200 square metres, 60 m2 of shaft walls和公寓门的近100个钢框架。

The desired distance to the wall was measured with the DISTO™ D2 and marked to start setting the wall. The cross line laser of the L4P1 was then exactly positioned over the reference mark to align the vertical laser line with millimetric accuracy. A chalk line was then used to mark the floor and ceiling. The frame sections were, subsequently, secured in place to fix the plasterboard and insulation.

"The L4P1 is accurate and has a lot of advantages. What I personally like the most is the fine adjustment wheel that has no clearance. When you correct the laser line to the left or right it acts immediately and flawlessly”, said Osmanagic with great enthusiasm.

The L4P1 is an all-in-one 180° multi-line laser layout tool designed for快速设置。微音旋钮允许用户调整与高度高的激光线的完美放置线路或交叉点visible even in bright daylight。由于锂离子蓄电池,L4P1可以是operated for up to 24 hours


During his years of experience Osmanagic has worked with several different lasers before he came across Leica Geosystems’ laser distance metres and line and point lasers. Today he is committed to the L4P1 because working with it iseasier, efficient, accurate and faster。In the construction industry, price erosion has been extremely high in recent years, hence, efficiency tops the list of requirements for maintaining a competitive advantage.


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