Leica Aibot v2.0 with oblique workflow

Leica Aibot oblique data screenshot

2020年9月,新版本2.0发布了Leica Aibot。这对测量师意味着什么?

New in Aibot v 2.0

With previous versions releases, we have focused on making the professional surveyor’s UAV workflows easier and safer while ensuring trusted survey-grade accuracy.

For example, in version 1.4 release, we focused onimproving safetyand飞行员意识by adding safety checks and more telemetry data for execution of automated missions. We also added the workflow for the ZEISS Ventum 21mm lens and a lot of small improvements to make the测量师更好的工作流程with, e.g. better integration between flight planning and execution and easier identification of the different missions for more efficient repeatability.

To ensure the surveyors can easily use RTK correction services, in version 1.5, we added theGNSS setup and managementto Leica Aibot skyCAPP app. Now, everything is managed in the same app from missions to settings and configurations. We also included asmoother workflow for support。Users can get all needed files in a straightforward task in case support is needed. In all releases, we have always also included numerous enhancements to ensure the数据的准确性is even better.

Now, it was time for a new version with a more significant leap. Among other smaller improvements, version 2.0 includes the much anticipatedoblique workflow。斜设置涵盖整个工作流程:计划,执行和数据处理。

Here is a point cloud flythrough of a factory area that was captured with Aibot 2.0 in oblique and nadir.

Why do we need oblique images?




How is it done in Aibot?

现在,将斜图像添加到Leica Aibot自动任务的相同无忧工作流程中,并且无需学习新系统。

  • Flight planning:飞行员简单地为计划添加了新的部分,以左/右和后/后/后/后/后/背面的每个方向,并调整摄像头螺距角度以符合站点的需求。由于规划软件知道设置(主机,相机和镜头组合),因此可以根据所需的GSD等不同参数来定义计划。
  • Flight execution:计划准备好并将其上传到Aibot后,飞行员会看到每个航班的所有必要方向,并且可以执行全部或某些航班。自然,飞行报告还显示了每个方向的状态。这样,飞行员可以信任不会遗漏数据。
  • 数据处理:飞行数据和图像全部都上传到Leica Infinity中。无穷大将所有数据处理成一个数据集和点云。可以进一步分析无限云或导出以在其他软件中进一步使用。

Using this workflow, the surveyor can plan and execute their missions efficiently while ensuring the same trusted data that they expect for Leica Geosystems.

What needs to be considered?

当然,更多的飞行部分意味着更多的飞行time and more images. The bigger the data set becomes, the more users will need processing time for results. It is good to remember that surveyor can choose which areas need to be collected also with oblique images and make the plan based on that. The rest of the area can be covered with only nadir to save time. Everything can be processed into one data set in the office, including terrestrial sensors.


With this release we continue to develop Leica Aibot further as the UAV solution for surveyors. We strive to offer the most trusted, reliable and traceable UAV 3D data for professional surveying applications. Ability to integrate UAV as part of the existing surveying ecosystem unleashes the value of the data collected from the air.

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