Webinar A New Approach to Point Cloud Registration 14th October 2014 USA


The registration and alignment of point cloud data is often the most arduous part of 3D laser scanning. Although the tools to capture the data have become more cost-effective and easier to use, working with the point cloud data continues to hold many professionals back from achieving optimum efficiency. On large, complex projects, the workflows required for registration and alignment can add days and even weeks to the turnaround time.

幸运的是,最近software advances have dramatically streamlined this process, making it much faster and easier to go from point cloud capture to high-value deliverable.

On Tuesday, October 14, at 2 pm EDT, Leica Geosystems’ point cloud experts Mike Harvey and Bill Wallace will demonstrate an entirely new approach to the registration process using the automated and productivity enhancing tools in Leica Cyclone 9.0. In this 60-minute session, you'll learn how to:

  • 设置注册首选项以达到最佳性能
  • 创建和编辑扫描的缩略图预览
  • Efficiently and effectively create ScanWorld groups
  • 预览扫描以找到适当的匹配项
  • 在视觉对齐窗口中操纵两次单独的扫描
  • 使用视觉对齐来自动塌陷组

Whatever your experience level with point clouds, from beginner to pro, you won't want to miss this opportunity to see how the newest software tools can help you work much faster. Watch live demos, ask questions, and learn how to unleash the power of your point clouds.Register here!


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Läs om hur kunder från hela världen drar nytta av våra mångsidiga lösningar på ett smart sätt.

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