

Bahar Oezkan loves her work. Though the software engineer is only 32 years old, she has been around: born in Turkey, she already worked in Germany, Texas and, in a previous station, in Tokyo. Since spring 2018, she is carrying forward her career as a software engineer at Hexagon in Switzerland.

Work is not her only passion – Bahar is also fascinated by coffee. For her aroma, scent and consistency form are the basis for a good taste. A parallel she also sees in the team work here at Hexagon. Many different personalities from diverse places in the world come together, and all have individual ideas and visions.


Heerbrugg的“瑞士新手” Zbigniew Jasinski是这些软件工程师之一。他在华沙放弃了自己的生意,在六边形工作。bob体育报道此后,他一直不后悔这个决定,因为他热爱自己的工作:“即使软件看起来可能看不见,作为软件工程师,您也可以创造真正的价值,并为公司的成功做出果断的贡献。您创建的应用程序为产品带来了生命。”他自豪地说。bob综合app下载

就像他的同事一样,Zbigniew也感谢Hexagon在Hexagon的灵活工作时间。bob体育报道这样,他可以在日常生活中适应自己的爱好和工作。从清晨在山上锻炼到在午后与朋友一起参观圣加伦,慕尼黑或苏黎世 - 他享受着自然的平静以及附近充满活力的城市氛围,其多元化的艺术和文化供应使人分心。

But there is one important thing the native Polish actually misses: genuine pierogi. Fortunately, he loves cooking and provides himself with fresh foodstuff from a near farmer. And for eating in community is more fun, he regularly invites his colleagues from all over the world to share the enjoyment. This strengthens the team spirit and brings a piece of home to the common table.


Here you will find all open positions in Switzerland and Austria.
Here you will find all open positions in Switzerland and Austria.




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If you have any questions, want to connect with us or if you need to edit your application!