This utility surveyor course aims to bring even the greenest novice to a point where they can comfortably take a utility survey from initial client specification all the way through to delivering a fully marked up map detailing what lies beneath. This will be done through a series of classroom and onsite modules, over a five day period.




Who should attend?
Due to the tailored nature of the course, it suited to everyone - from complete utility novice all the way up to Surveyors looking to upskill and Utility Surveyor looking to increase their efficiency with new technology and processes.

The trainers
Our trainers have decades of experience in the utility surveying field and understand the intricacies and anomalies you can encounter during a survey. So from state of the art tracing equipment and ground penetrating radar to post-processing software, trainees will become familiar with and confident in all the industry technology and jargon.

  • Relevance and market
  • 公用事业调查的组成部分
  • Surveying specifications
  • Understanding utility maps
  • Using a precision locator
  • 使用GPR
  • Real life site survey - training site
  • 数字EML数据捕获
  • 数据导出,审查和后处理


T: + 44(0)1782 384630


Leica GeosystemsDetection Software

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Ta kontakt med oss for mer informasjon om deteksjonsporteføljen vår.


Var检测Campus gir deg en grundig innsikt i vår omfattende portefølje av deteksjonsløsninger.
Var检测Campus gir deg en grundig innsikt i vår omfattende portefølje av deteksjonsløsninger.

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unngårisikofor skaderpårørog kabler oppdagdeteksjonsløsningersom forbedrer sikkerheten for Personelletpåanlegget og minimerer nedetetid og uventide og uventede uventede uventede kostnader ...