Landmåling og anlegg

va gruppen, gs18 I

Investerer i Leica GS18 I for å kunne tilby markedsledende løsninger

En del av oppskriften for Suksess i va gruppen ab ab ta i bruk ny teknologi forÅKunneTilbyMarkedsledendeDendeDendeDendeDendeDendeDendeDendeDendeDendeDendeDendeDEndeDEndeDEndeDendeLøsningertil Kundene。de Har Nylig Investert I Leica GS18 I,Noe Som Har Hatt Protiv InnvirkningPåtidsbrukenVedLandmåling,Mengden Data som blir innhentet og innhentet og arbeidsprosessene i det daglige dagligelandmålingsarmålingsarbeidet。

Redefining property boundaries in Altstätten, Switzerland

How FKL & Partner AG completed a cadastral surveying project to solve such a boundary record case in Altstätten, Switzerland just a few kilometres down the road from Leica Geosystems’ Heerbrugg site.

CATRY地形纸通过LOC8收回25万欧元的被盗设备,这是Leica GeoSystems的安全解决方案

How Catry Topography recovered stolen equipment with LOC8, the security solution from Leica Geosystems.

Winning total construction services supported by surveying

徕卡Geosy如何stems instruments provided cost-saving benefits for monitoring and construction applications.


Measuring a world record attempt for highest altitude catch

Leica Geosystems乐器如何支持吉尼斯世界纪录持有人来衡量布伦丹·菲沃拉(Brendan Fevola),以获得美式足球的最高海拔高度。

BM Field

Leica GS18 T expands sites where GNSS can be used

日本的测量公司BM Field Co.,Ltd。使用Leica GS18 T GNSS RTK ROVER在各种不同的地点。GS18 T提高了其工作效率,降低了成本并在更具挑战性的条件下实现了GNSS调查。

为什么调查不仅仅是工作 - 来自俄罗斯的博客作者Alexey Petrin


Developing the surveying business by staying on top of the latest technological advancements has always been the main prerogative of our surveyor in focus, Alexey Petrin.

Monitoring Melbourne’s railways

城市基础设施并不是一夜之间建成的。在between planning, design and construction, there are other crucial activities – just like monitoring happening at the same time.

华纳土地调查如何使用Leica Nova TS60

From monitoring to survey control and verified surveys, Warner Land Surveys Ltd relies on the Leica Nova TS60 for different projects, including the remodelling of Kings Cross station in the United Kingdom

GS18 I case study

Measuring the point cloud with a GNSS rover

Takeaways from JTRS Registered Surveyor on the Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK Rover




Surveying service provider company offers best-in-class services with positioning, measuring and laser scanning technology

Improving county access to high-resolution imagery

Creating a high-resolution aerial imagery basemap with the HxGN Content Program in the United States


Juergen Dold, president i Hexagons Geosystems-divisjon, presenterte ideer og eksempelstudier der hele planeten kan digitaliseres ved HxGN LIVE i Las Vegas i USA

Building a better future with measuring technology

通过职业培训,提供饮用水和在坦桑尼亚建立更好的学校的机会,使用Leica Geosystems的建筑工具

Measuring aerosols caused by biomass burning



High-resolution bathymetric surveys support aquaculture research in Canada and increase navigational safety in the Pacific Ocean


Combining artificial intelligence and orthorectified aerial imagery to create parking lots in Germany


The world’s first function to measure total station’s instrument height with a simple button press

Visualising the destruction, creation of an Atlanta landmark

How Multivista helped transform the Georgia Dome into The Home Depot Backyard in the United States


After being in business for nearly 50 years, Titcomb Associates continues to raise the bar on what it means to provide quality surveying services in the United States



在2019年6月在曼彻斯特的一个建筑工地的一个星期五晚上进行了漫长的一周和艰苦的一天的工作之后,PLP Construction的现场工程师收拾了套件和工具,将其装载到他的面包车上,并在回家的路上前往健身房。在健身房进行锻炼后,回到他的面包车后,很快就显而易见雇用的Leica TS16失踪了,被盗了。盗窃被报告给大曼彻斯特警察,并提供了犯罪参考号。


采石新站点入口using Leica Captivate on-board software for Gallagher Ltd and their customer J & J Franks Ltd

Scanning the top of Europe

Measuring Mount Blanc ice cap melt with the MultiStation.

Monitoring the changes of our lifetime

Monitoring climate change with the MultiStation in Greenland.


Inspecting and measuring a dam in Switzerland with an UAV.

Innovating as-built verification

Nova MS60 used for 3D measurements of bridge abutments and piers in a trial of an innovative method of as-built verification for a governmental i-Construction project in Japan



在2019年6月在曼彻斯特的一个建筑工地的一个星期五晚上进行了漫长的一周和艰苦的一天的工作之后,PLP Construction的现场工程师收拾了套件和工具,将其装载到他的面包车上,并在回家的路上前往健身房。在健身房进行锻炼后,回到他的面包车后,很快就显而易见雇用的Leica TS16失踪了,被盗了。盗窃被报告给大曼彻斯特警察,并提供了犯罪参考号。