Digitising the construction site from the air


Author:安妮·皮特卡宁(Anne Pitkaenen)

传统上,建筑行业在采用新技术并进入数字化方面不被认为是最敏捷的行业。但是,当它对行业至关重要时 - 清楚地了解项目的进步,节省成本或安全性 - 变化确实会很快发生。例如,由于它们带入任何项目的自动化,可追溯性和准确性,因此可以在广泛采用机器控制系统中看到。

大型建筑工地就像巨大的生物体一样 - 它们需要恒定的当前信息流程才能顺利运行。无人驾驶汽车(UAV)非常适合喂养当前数据,以对网站进度创建清晰的视野,增加安全性并节省成本

许多分析师声称建筑是商业无人机增长最大的领域之一在六边形的地理bob体育报道系统部门,我们看到了它的发生。几年前,一些公司表示,为建筑项目创建的正射原模型和3D模型可能一次开放,然后没有使用。如今,访问新鲜数据开始成为建筑专业人员的期望。无人机被称为“民主化工具”对于地理空间数据,因为它们提供了快速获取信息, are becomingeasier to operate,操作成本是其他数据收集方法的一小部分。

Leica Aibot CX无人机solution for construction is Hexagon's Geosystems’ answer to the current and future UAV needs of any construction site. This UAV solution opens opportunities for daily progress documentation, stockpile monitoring, resource tracking, and 2D and 3D site survey to get cost savings and visibility over suppliers.AIBOT CX将建筑工地带入数字时代将数据变成智能信息改善决策过程。



Through the entire construction project, accurate and up-to-date 3D data and orthophotos of the area are crucial for planning and design. For planning and designing, users need proper as-is information. The more complete the data set, the more efficient the plan will be. UAVs can provide recent and frequently updated data whenever it is needed.

Depending on the construction site, there are several data collection methods already in place, such as:

  • 机器控制
  • 全球定位系统
  • bob apple
  • 激光扫描
  • 旋转激光器。

无人机不会也不应替换这些解决方案,而应该可以完成视图并在正确的位置提出其他点。这对UAV workflow to fit into the existing workflows和解决方案。无人机是访问难以访问区域的绝佳解决方案,通过覆盖周围环境并将空中数据与从其他系统收集的数据结合起来,扩大了视野。

Stockpile management





Having fresh data on every stage of the project as a base for coordinating workforces, machines, suppliers and subcontractors gives an undisputable advantage. Before UAVs, this has been a costly and even dangerous process. In construction sites with strict schedules, one must be able to cost-efficiently compare the as-designed to the actual situation of the site progression.



Better together

Big hype in the market has been putting a lot of focus into UAVs being a “silver bullet” and a solution to all data needs. This has raised several questions whether it can really replace other technologies.Combined with existing traditional data collection methods, UAV technology can form a perfect union for smart construction data capture.


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