



捕捉scen崩溃的完整和准确的数据e and quickly re-open roads


Revisit the Forensic Digital Twin of the accident scene and re-examine later every detail

Our 3D laser scanning technology allows you to quickly and efficiently capture an entire crash scene and generate a point cloud in real-time. The point cloud provides a measurable model, allowing you to view it as a Forensic Digital Twin - the 3D virtual replica of the real-life scenario.


In traffic accidents, as in other outdoor incidents such as crime or fire/arson scenes, law enforcement agencies conduct visual inspections and preserve evidence in all environmental conditions. Regardless of rain, hail, snow or extreme heat, the job needs to be done. Documenting large scenes can be a lengthy process and needs to be conducted during the day or night. Our portfolio offers versatile and robust solutions to meet even the most challenging conditions.

Discover our main solutions for crash investigation and collision reconstruction


Capture the crash or collision scene with the Leica BLK3D



Manage and deliver the data with integrated BLK3D Software

从PC或通过WiFi导出以PDF或JPG格式导出3D图像。将BLK3D捕获的3D图像发送到您的计算机,可以在其中打开和管理。blk3dDesktop Software

这captured 3D measurable images can be used to create advanced PDF reports 2D diagrams and pictures with 3D in-picture measurements. Revisit the crash scene virtually even long after the crash location was cleared.

In-field Visual Positioning for accident documentation and mapping on the fly

Capture the crash or collision with the Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK rover

仅在几分钟之内,只需在现场行走,就可以在几分钟之内从一个安全的距离中测量数百个以前无法访问的点。源自与GS18 Iintegrated Visual Positioning technology provide centimetre positioning quality that can aid in the visualisation of a collision or crash scene.



在船上使用Leica Captivate捕获,测量和处理现场数据的软件,以及Leica Infinity测量点或从办公室中的数据创建点云,而不会受到天气或流量的干扰。Infinity软件旨在管理,处理,分析和质量检查GNSS传感器,总站,数字水平和无人机的所有现场调查数据。bob apple


用Leica RTC360捕获场景

RTC360 3D激光扫描仪, crash scenes can be captured at up to 2 million points per second in less than two minutes and pre-registered at the scene. With the Double Scan feature enabled on the RTC360, automatically remove moving objects such as people or vehicles in your final point cloud data.

Manage the data with Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 and Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360

捕获的扫描数据已在现场预注册,并在Cyclone FIELD 360mobile-device app, allowing users to conduct onsite scan quality control checks.


使用Leica Map 360交付各种可交付成果

MAP360is the solution for complete scene reconstruction with the flexibility to import your data from a wide range of sensors. Analyse your scene with intuitive tools, such as crush analysis, momentum angles, QA protocol and witness views.MAP360helps you to easily transform your 3D crash scene data into an accurate and compelling Forensic Digital Twin.



Learn how the Santa Ana Police Department is mapping at record speeds. With their RTC360 laser scanner, officers are capturing the entire scene in less than 30 minutes, relieving strain on personnel.
Learn how the Santa Ana Police Department is mapping at record speeds. With their RTC360 laser scanner, officers are capturing the entire scene in less than 30 minutes, relieving strain on personnel.

Reasons digitally documenting crash scenes improves outcomes for investigators

Explore how analysis of crash scenes can be greatly simplified and improved by digitally capturing and sharing an accurate, complete 3D model quickly in a time-sensitive environment.
Explore how analysis of crash scenes can be greatly simplified and improved by digitally capturing and sharing an accurate, complete 3D model quickly in a time-sensitive environment.

法医映射:波兰警察使用总站进行坠机文件bob apple

Read how the Leica TS10 total station and CYBID eSURV solution make it possible for Polish police officers to provide digital documentation of a traffic incident to crash and accident experts.
Read how the Leica TS10 total station and CYBID eSURV solution make it possible for Polish police officers to provide digital documentation of a traffic incident to crash and accident experts.







