
Gallagher Ltd是肯特(Kent)的主要建筑,土木工程,采石和房地产业务,以专业做事并完成工作而闻名。Gallagher集团于1973年成立,总部位于英格兰的肯特。该业务最初是作为基础工作承包商,此后已成为主要承包商和主要承包商,提供了土木工程,房地产开发,设计和建造合同和采石方面最好的。

Gallagher与Leica Geosystems Ltd建立了长期的合作伙伴关系,自TPS1100型号范围以来,已经成功使用了Leica机器人解决方案。2015年6月,当Leica Geosystems推出了新的Caintivate系列时,Gallagher渴望投资于这项新技术的所有优势。迄今为止,加拉格尔(Gallagher)现在配备了17个吸引人的套件和一个GNSS单元,表现出对Leica Geosystems品牌的忠诚和信任。他们渴望将它们使用。

他们的客户J和J Franks Ltd与Gallagher联系,在萨里贝奇沃思(Betchworth)旧的Reigate Road的Mercers South Quarry上工作。他们被授予建设采石场入口的新现场入口的合同,并在两个月内进行了工程。进行了转移,以使行人和驾驶者能够进入通道的任一侧。新的访问方式对J&J Franks来说至关重要,使其能够继续开展采石场活动,并为其熟练的劳动力提供继续就业。

Leica Captivate软件用于该项目,以帮助减少与复杂项目相关的任何不必要的成本和延误,并且对项目的设置至关重要。

The initial stages of the project were for Gallagher to construct a cut and cover tunnel in order to form the site entrance. To do this, it was first necessary to check for existing statutory services (BT, UKPN –LV + HV and gas) such as water, gas and telephone lines which added to the challenges of the job. Trial holes had to be made in order to check the depth of the site, making sure the site entrance was deep enough to put in the bell mouth (site entrance). Using Leica Captivate solutions meant better measurement accuracy, providing even the smallest of details, quickly and easily. Leica Geosystems’ products and solutions were used in order to complete the project in budget and on time.

When setting out on this project, positional accuracy was paramount, it was crucial to understand exactly where the new works might clash with any statutory services so as not to cause any unnecessary disruption. The Leica Viva TS16 and Leica Viva GS14 were chosen for this, with the Leica Viva GS14 also being used for the basic cut and fill operations at the start of the project. The Leica Viva GS14 was perfect for this scenario, as it is purposefully made for demanding environments such as quarries site entrances and it provides real endurance in extreme temperatures and weather conditions. Robust and lightweight, it made it easy to transport around the quarry site. Simple, accurate and easy to use, the Leica Viva GS14 was partnered with the new CS35 Tablet which ran the Captivate software and was connected to SmartNet for accurate GNSS RTK corrections.

莉卡·薇瓦(Leica Viva)TS16“自我学习”一个人的总站之所以被选为适应任何环境状况的多功能性,适合采石场。运行Leica Caintivate Onboard软件,这是最全面的机载功能,可以调查和记录采石场的确切条件。这提供了对与公用事业的任何潜在冲突或捏点的理解。Leica Caintivate软件允许非常出色的用户体验。

Using this survey data from Captivate, a 3D model was produced of the site and the design was determined for the new work. The survey data helped Gallager to decide on the best alignment of the road, making sure that the existing contours of the field were followed. Then with the new design and services, data was loaded onto the Leica CS35 tablet and available on site in the 3D environment within Captivate. All elements of the site could be staked out with a ‘live’ understanding of any potential clashes or pinch points with the utilities.

Completing a complex construction project like this one at Mercers South Quarry wasn’t without its challenges. Making sure the existing statutory services were deep enough not to be damaged was imperative to the project. The Captivate kit from Leica Geosystems made sure the setting out and allocation of these services was quick and easy. Without the surveying equipment from Leica Geosystems and if the services were damaged in any way, it could have set the project back six months or more. Other obstacles included a footpath which was in the way and needed to be removed. Trees and shrubbery also needed to be cut down surrounding the quarry with minimum disruption to local pedestrians and residents. The contract was completed within tight time constraints to minimise the disruption to local pedestrians and motorists.

The project started in July 2015 and the first part of the road was completed in January 2016. Once the quarry has been filled with sand and landfill, Gallagher will be returning the quarry site to complete the access road to the permanent quarry office area. It will then be a completely new working quarry with a new access roads and new entrance site. The newly functioning quarry will benefit the whole community and provide vital new opportunities to the area.

Leica CS35平板电脑比传统的全站控制器(作为完整的Windows 8.1计算机)提供的功能几乎是无限的。Gallagher已经在船上安装了AutoCAD及其常规IT服务。Leica CS35平板电脑可用于从设置和测量到填写支票板,记录和拍摄伪造,交换重要数据并执行电子邮件的所有内容。

“我们不能够完成这个常量ruction project for J and J Franks without the excellent kit and solutions from Leica Geosystems”, remarks Ken Maillinson, Technical Contracts Manager at Gallagher. “We always choose Leica Geosystems solutions for our surveying jobs as we can rely on the high quality of the instrument and the accuracy of the measurements. Furthermore the support and excellent after care received from their Technical Support and Technical Service teams are second to none”.


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