Beyond Reality. Digital Reality’s Next Frontier


作者:Monica Miller Rodgers

Hexagon’s Geosystems Division President Juergen Dold presentedBeyond Reality. Digital Reality’s Next Frontier在6月bob体育报道12日在美国内华达州拉斯维加斯的威尼斯人宴会厅举行的HXGN Live HXGN Live的六边形数字解决方案会议上。



Dold使用沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney)的著名语录,通过有关灵感的讨论开始了他的主题演讲。Where does it come from? How can inspiration be turned into reality? What is possible?

If you can dream it, you can do it.
- 沃尔特迪斯尼

Examples included Leonardo DaVinci’s dream of flight and NASA’s dream to reach the moon.

“在地理系统,我很幸运,我与许多梦想家一起工作,这些梦想家不仅挑战现状,而且使梦想成真。”said Dold.

Beyond mapping

With transformation taking place in the airborne mapping business, 5D digital realities are not only possible but becoming accessible to everyone. Dold exemplified this by providing a historical timeline, detailing the century it took to convert from film to digital cameras, from analog plates to pixels.

“This transformation unleashes the power and potential to think in different dimensions and completely new scales,”said Dold.“Data sets have taken over, fostering not only new levels of automation but also new business models, providing the opportunity to expand the ecosystems.”

作为这个扩展的生态系统的一个例子,Dold展示了HxGN Content Program。该计划在订阅服务上提供优质的机载图像数据,证明了社会通过内容(CAAS)转向共享经济的转移。Dold提供了这种转变的三个原因:

  1. 准确,高分辨率和针对特定需求量的更新数据
  2. Online streaming to improve access
  3. Affordability of the service through the sharing business model


“We don’t know how far AI will take us, but we’re convinced that higher resolution data with ever more powerful algorithms accelerate the accurateness and results these algorithms will bring us,”said Dold.“For those who are in mapping, they completely understand how much automation we can get in these mapping processes.”

Dold expanded on these processes with a focus on sensor fusion by unveiling datasets of Las Vegas, Seattle and Lucerne, Switzerland. With most realistic flythrough, the cities were captured with theLeica CityMapper提供d激光雷达和成像技术相融合etailed cityscapes down to the exact imaging of the trees. Underneath the city streets, pipes were also revealed in the datasets with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology.


Moving from a bird’s eye view of cities, Dold dived into the depths of mines to speak on technologies increasing the safety of sites around the world. By digitising mines, they become more reliable, effective and efficient. With a 50-year history in the mining industry, Geosystems has developed digital solutions to advance the business and keep miners safer.

Launching one of those solutions onstage, Dold unveiled theHXGN MENEPROTECT操作员警报系统轻型车辆(OAS-LV)and explained how 65 per cent of all open-pit mining incidents are related to fatigue, the inspiration for this new safety-enhancing technology. Sensing the openness of a driver’s eyes in the cab of a vehicle, the OAS-LV sounds a real-time alert, both inside the cab and back at the control centre, if signs of fatigue are detected. By digitising the driver’s face and using analytics, the data is fed into an Internet of Things (IoT) environment with location-based information to reduce fatigue-related accidents by 85 per cent.

“[The OAS-LV] is the perfect example of when we speak about making the world machine readable and creating critical information with analytics … saving lives and costs,”said Dold.“每个矿山都应该有效,这就是我们通过数字解决方案促进的。此外,我们通过急剧改善安全性而超越了有效的采矿。”

Beyond construction


“施工不是单人的工作,”he explained.“这不是关于员工数字化的;这是关于为您的项目带来完美和效率的整个过程数字化。”

Dold went on to share several new technologies that are supporting the whole process, the entire lifecycle from planning to renovation. He started with theLeica DSXandIDS Georadar Opera Duoutility detection solutions in the planning phase. Using GPR technology, the DSX and Opera Duo make the invisible visible. With an array of software selections to use in combination, safety and efficiency are increased when construction and utility professionals can precisely locate assets below the ground and plan operations to avoid striking them.

Next in the construction phase, theLeica iCON iCT30Dold展示了构建布局工具,因为其设计与现实世界建筑的无缝连接。独特的技术可以预测建筑专业人员的道路,防止错误并节省时间。

在调试阶段,Multivista imagery has now been integrated with the Leica BLK3D handheld imager。这些合并技术的施工进度文档工作流程提高了对施工人员的认识,承包商需要更好地理解和验证现场的发展。

For renovation, theC-Thrueconcrete scanner enables construction professionals to see through walls for cables, rebar and other potential strike risks. Increasing safety and efficiency, the C-Thrue converts the insides of walls into digital models using Augmented Reality (AR) to display results.

Finally, for the operation phase, launching on stage, Dold shared one of two of the newest members of the popular Leica BLK family. With a focus on expanding the ecosystem in the building market, the newLeica BLK247is an autonomous surveillance solution to make buildings machine readable and subject to analytics. Providing continuous edge computing enabled 3D reality capture capabilities, the BLK247 provides 3D situational awareness for in and around buildings. With applications in also public safety and smart manufacturing, this new digital solution creates awareness whether objects are left behind, moved from one location to another and many more 3D change-related events in the observed space.

“这是旅程的开始……。我们很高兴能够扩展这种覆盖范围,并且我们可能从未触及过的新生态系统。”said Dold.“These are exciting times.”


The year 2019 marks the地理系统成立200周年serving the surveying field. From the 1819 beginnings of the company Kern to the 1921 founding of Wild Heerbrugg to the 1990 formation of Leica Geosystems to the 2005 acquisition by Hexagon, the organisation has a long history of revolutionsing and innovating the world of survey.

“今天,我们的投资组合是一套丰富的,完整的无限连接的调查解决方案,可以使数据起作用。”said Dold.

然后他继续解释了如何Leica Infinity软件将所有地理系统调查解决方案从现场连接到办公室。用户能够将其业务能力从传统,准确的调查实践扩展到基于整个电台,激光扫描仪和成像仪器的传感器的高级现实捕获技术。bob综合app赌博bob apple

Reviewing a history of fusing technologies, such as LiDAR and imaging, laser scanning and distance measurement, wearable and Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) technology, Dold unveiled the second newest member of the BLK family. TheLeica BLK2GO手持成像激光扫描仪rose from the stage with the BLK series signature green light band as if by magic.

“With this BLK2GO we fulfill a dream to place reality capture in the palm of your hand,”said Dold.“这不是一件艺术品吗?我们的工程和设计团队的一件艺术品是为了使这个高科技解决方案在我们的行业中真正无与伦比的外观,这是如此小的设备。”

TheLeica BLK2GO手持成像激光扫描仪brings four key elements together in one instrument:

  1. Sensor fusion
  2. Mobility
  3. Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping
  4. 简单驱动的设计


Beyond reality

Returning to Disney’s famous quote, Dold closed his keynote with a charge to the audience to become inspired, move beyond the realm of what is thought possible, and achieve the impossible. When the world becomes machine readable and subject to the power of algorithms, the potential of thousands of new companies and millions of new ideas will be unleashed.

“We have found … ways to break through limits, to go beyond today’s reality, to create a new reality,”总结了。“Dream your dreams, how you can foster digitalisation in your businesses. Never forget, if you can dream it, you can do it.”


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