White Paper: Leica RTC360 Image Resolution

A 3D laser scanner that collects over 400 MP of HDR images

Leica RTC360 3D激光扫描仪收集432兆像素(MP)的HDR图像。这些源图像的设计具有相当大的重叠,以确保良好的混合性能。源图像具有本机分辨率,旨在匹配3毫米 @ 10米的最高扫描设置。当将其视为全景时,这相当于200 MP Panorama,即20480 x 10240像素,或等效于5120(5K)立方体图。Leica Cyclone寄存器360和Cyclone寄存器都可以配置为交付此分辨率。

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定性ty is a tradition, built deep within our DNA. We have a commitment to excellence and exceptional attention to detail.

定性ty is a tradition, built deep within our DNA. We have a commitment to excellence and exceptional attention to detail.


With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.
With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.