

Author: Burkhard Boeckem

有了现实捕bob综合app赌博获,世界就可以完全数字化和数字化,从而创造出宝贵的数字双胞胎。这些是物理世界的复制品 - 城市街道,电网,建筑工地,工厂等,用于数字化我们的城市,基础设施和环境。

There is a long list of applications and use cases for reality capture from industries spanning engineering and construction to project scheduling of buildings on time and built to plan, to monitoring the evolution of a mine, making manufacturing truly digital, or in media and entertainment where information from the digital twin of a film set is used to make edits in a post or virtual production.

The act of reality capturing is important for the following reasons:

  • 它使用户能够创建诸如现实世界高清地图或3D设计模型之类bob综合app下载的产品
  • It enables virtual design, simulation and testing based on the real world (e.g., if you need to check the safety of an autonomous vehicle using reality capture you can carry out driver simulations)
  • 最后,现实捕获还使bob综合app赌博您能够开发自主服务,包括例如自动碰撞系统以降低的测试成本。

您拥有的质量数据源越多,您的数字双胞胎就越有见地和有价值。我们的世界领先的传感器和可视化服务组合包括陆地激光扫描仪,例如Leica RTC360,例如Leica BLK360和Leica BLK2GO等成像扫描仪,以及我们的移动映射解决方案(例如,Leica Pegasus:Backpack:Backpack:Backpack)和 - 现在是 - 现在今年,我们的HXDR平台。HXDR是一个新的基于云的数字现实可视化平台。它通过从机载,地面和移动传感器的无缝捕获数据的无缝融合来创建现实世界的准确数字表示,这些数据用于在被捕获的数据的现实世界中可视化和共享3D设计项目和模型。bob综合app赌博

bob体育报道Hexagon具有独特的位置,可以通过其传感器和可视化组合加速智能数字现实中的创新,并连接和自主技术 - 以及我们在它们之间找到的价值的联系。

It’s a truly exciting time to be in the industry, and I look forward to sharing with you our next set of innovations that will bring us a step further in delivering on our vision of an autonomous future.


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PDF E Registrati in Ricevere le Edizioni Future中的恐惧l'ultima版本。

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