Machine control makes the life of machine operators easier


作者:Per Norell

Taxus AB is one of the Swedish companies that use the new Leica MCP80 machine control panel, together with new Leica MC1 one-for-all software platform. Excavator operators at Taxus all agree on the advantages of the new digital solution along with the satellite positioning service of HxGN SmartNet and the easy access to support and experts through the Customer Care Package programme.


软件平台MC1为所有Leica GeoSystems机器控制解决方案提供了一个通用界面,并在施工站点上的机器,现场和办公室工作人员之间建立了无缝的连接。MC1的用户可以从自动工具识别中受益,该工具识别会自动检测挖掘机使用的工具。该功能最大程度地减少了使用错误的桶的风险,这可以防止挖掘并大大提高机器操作员的效率和生产率。


乔纳森·伦纳特森(Jonathan Lennartsson)与MCP80小组和MC1软件合作,将其新的沃尔沃(Volvo)欧洲150欧元挖掘机合作。

乔纳森·伦纳特森(Jonathan Lennartson)是出租车的挖掘机运营商之一。自四年前离开学校以来,他一直担任挖掘机操作员。

Jonathan had the new MCP80 panel with the MC1 software on his new Volvo EUR150 wheeled excavator that was delivered in the autumn of 2019.

“One of the main advantages with MC1 compared to the old software is that now I can see the entire model on the panel. I am no longer locked to the position that I have,”解释说Lennartson。“It means that I no longer have to drive around on the site to see the stakeout. I can just swipe with my fingers on the panel, which results in less driving. It makes me more efficient.”


Lennartson’s colleague, Tony Roos, has worked in the business for a considerably longer time. He has been an excavator operator since 2003 when Lennartson was just five years old. Roos has been part of the extensive technological development in machine control and has a lot of experience to compare digital solutions with traditional methods. Roos agrees with Lennartson that the new MC1 supports his workflow.

“I have a better overview with MC1. Before, I could only see the area around the bucket on my panel, but now I have a quick overview of the entire project. It gives me a sense of security that I do it right, I don’t rely on anybody else, and I don’t need a surveyor standing outside the machine,”says Roos.“ MC1还可以帮助我更快地执行工作。我更有效,我可以更好地与卡车司机计划工作,以便将材料放在正确的位置。它使我的工作更准确。


MC1软件中的自动刀具识别,并确保托尼·罗斯(Tony Roos)始终使用正确的存储桶。


使用AutoSNAP,我可以轻松地找到并捕捉到我需要直接在屏幕上工作的对象,”explains Roos.“当我更换白天多次做的水桶或工具时,它可以帮助我直接在面板上访问水桶。我不需要像以前那样进入菜单系统,而且我知道这总是我使用的合适的水桶。”


Leica Geosystems的机器控制解决方案是Taxus机器运营商日常工作的必然组件。


The new panel and software have even led to a better working environment for the operator as the solution is easier to see in bright sunlight.



“The panel is robust, and it has no antennas sticking out, so you don’t have to be afraid of breaking anything,”乔纳森解释说。


Taxus已决定订阅Leica Geosystems的客户服务软件包(CCP),这使他们通过电话,在线远程支持,软件更新,年度服务检查和扩展保修中受益于客户支持。

每当Lennartson在设备方面需要帮助时,他都会致电Leica Geosystems的支持部门,并通过电话获得帮助。如有必要,技术人员可以远程访问MCP80面板并读取错误代码,甚至可以对面板进行远程控制。


HXGN SmartNetand Leica ConX

出租车从Leica Geosystems(包括Smartnet和Leibob综合app下载ca Conx)的许多连接产品和服务中受益。

Lennartsson对自动化技术感兴趣,并喜欢学习新事物。他使用Leica Geosystems的卫星定位服务HXGN SmartNet,并了解基于云的协作平台CONX。

“I use SmartNet all the time. The main advantage compared to a traditional total station is that I always know my position exactly, and I have all positioning with me when I am driving around. I don’t have to worry that something is blocking the signal, like for example a container,”解释说Lennartsson。“我尚未使用CONX,但我知道这是一个方便的解决方案。测量师可以直接从计算机发送文件,用户可以直接同步文件。重大优势是,我不必等待测量师出来的机器,而且我不需要使用USB棒。它也比传统的工作流程更安全,因为当我们在恶劣的环境中工作时,我也不需要机器周围的人。


Eje Andersson知道,快速支持在重型建筑行业至关重要。

Taxus has used machine control for a long time. The first equipment was purchased back in 2005 under the trademark Scanlaser. Eje Andersson is involved in Taxus’ daily work like a spider in the web and explains how important remote support and the relationship with Leica Geosystem is.

“对我们来说,重要的是,我们对售后问题的问题充分回答,并且支持很容易获得和知识渊博。我们的机器运营商可以直接与支持联系,有时我会在有重大问题时这样做。对我们来说,操作员直接与支持的联系非常方便,以便他们在正确的时间获得正确的帮助,而Leica Geosystems对他们的产品具有最高的了解,”bob综合app下载安德森解释说。

“多年来,合作效果很好。Leica Geosystems对我们来说是一个安全的合作伙伴。他们与我们西瑞典地区的测量师建立了很好的建立,这是一个优势。当每个人都知道相同的技术时,它给出了理解的共同点。”says Andersson.

contattate Leica Geosystems

Cercate Il Vostro Coterente Leica Geosystems per Le Vendite,Il Supporto e l'Assingenza tecnica。
Cercate Il Vostro Coterente Leica Geosystems per Le Vendite,Il Supporto e l'Assingenza tecnica。