Underground Utility Location

Radar untuk mendeteksi Utilitas

Mendeteksi dan mengidentifikasi utilitas di lokasi dengan teknologi radar penetrasi tanah (Ground Penetration Radar-GPR)
Mendeteksi dan mengidentifikasi utilitas di lokasi dengan teknologi radar penetrasi tanah (Ground Penetration Radar-GPR)

DD220/DD230 SMART Utility Locators Solution

Leica DD SMART Locators & DX Shield Software - Work safer, work faster, work simpler
Leica DD SMART Locators & DX Shield Software - Work safer, work faster, work simpler

Leica GS18 T

Introducing the world’s fastest GNSS RTK rover with true tilt compensation - immune to magnetic disturbances and calibration-free.
Introducing the world’s fastest GNSS RTK rover with true tilt compensation - immune to magnetic disturbances and calibration-free.

Leica Pegasus:Backpack

Versatile and wearable platform for indoor & outdoor reality capture
Versatile and wearable platform for indoor & outdoor reality capture

Perangkat Lunak

Solusi perangkat lunak yang terintegrasi utuh
Solusi perangkat lunak yang terintegrasi utuh