Leica Geosystems2016 Plan Contest Awards showcase state-of-the-art reality capture deliverables


Leica Geosystems很高兴宣布2016年计划比赛的获奖者。

An annual highlight of the Geosystems Track atHxGN LIVE,比赛使参加者有机会通过提交计划展示创造力和创新问题解决现实捕获的计划来展示自己的最佳交付成果。bob综合app赌博




今年将在7月份的Leica Geosystems Facebook页面上举行一个新的奖项类别。访客可以浏览所有条目,并通过选择“喜欢”来投票选出他们的收藏夹。8月1日,LIKES数量最多的条目将获得最佳全能计划的奖励。

“Our customers have a reputation for producing deliverables that provide outstanding value for their clients. The Plan Contest entries are just a glimpse of what is being achieved every day around the world,” said Michael Harvey, 2016 Plan Contest chair. “Through the creative application of Leica Geosystems’ reality capture solutions, these professionals drive greater efficiency, productivity and transparency into a wide range of projects and markets. We are pleased to recognise their contributions in a way that inspires other professionals to aim for a higher standard of excellence in their deliverables.”

Case Studies


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