Enabling enhanced capture productivity and safety


项目: Fast and safe kinematic reality capture in Elbe Tunnel, Germany
产品:Leica Proscan
客观的:文档Kinematic 3D激光扫描的三个旧隧道管,以创建可用于Elbe Tunnel Operator的当前,准确的库存文档。

北欧基础设施最重要的组成部分之一是在易北河河表面以下约28米(92英尺):汉堡的易北河隧道。作为A7 Autobahn的一部分,它将汉堡城市汉堡的南部和北部与欧洲大都市联系起来。它的长度约为3.3公里(1.9英里),大约1000米(3,280英尺)通过河床。在高峰期,每天多达145,000辆汽车和卡车通过隧道的四管。

这three older tunnel tubes were captured by kinematic 3D laser scanning to create current, accurate inventory documentation for the Elbe Tunnel operator. Previously unachievable without considerable disruption,Leica ProScanenabled the rapid and accurate mapping of the underground environment within tight overnight access restrictions.

Download the full case study for more information

为了确保这一重要交通路线的未来安全,根据最新的高速公路隧道设施和运营指南,对这三个较旧的隧道管进行了翻新。州地球信息和调查办公室委托总部位于汉堡的公司Hesse und Partner Ingenieure(DHP:I)的公司委托Kinematic 3D Laser扫描的每条隧道管的文档。


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Mobile 3D solutions for transport infrastructure mapping enable fast and safe digitisation of structures and assets while reducing surveying time and traffic disruption.

是否想了解有关德国Elbe Tunnel的运动学激光扫描项目的更多信息?下载完整的案例研究。


Leica ProScan

Turns your high definition laser scanner into a kinematic mapping solution that cuts time in the field and increases productivity.


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