
Customer profile

作者:Angus W. Stocking

David E. Titcomb, PLS, runs a small but thriving survey business in Falmouth, Maine, USA. Founded in 1969 by David’s father, Robert P. Titcomb, PLS,Titcomb Associates有两个办公室,雇用了三名专业土地测量师和六名现场工作人员,并为缅因州,新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州的数百名客户提供了服务,其中包括众多工程公司和缅因州交通运输部(Mainedot)。在公司的主要业务决策中,一项坚定不移的承诺是提供优质的服务和一流的技术。这是一种具有前瞻性的策略,通常需要进行大量投资,这使许多小企业主停顿了这种投资。但是戴维·泰特科姆(David Titcomb)采取了不同的看法。

“We’re always looking at how we can make life easier for our clients,”他说。“For example, we’re one of the few surveying firms in our region that works in MicroStation as well as AutoCAD, and MaineDOT and a lot of engineering firms prefer to work with us because they get files in the format that’s best for them.”

在高质量可交付成果上实现更快的周转是Titcomb Associates旨在提供更好的服务的另一种方式。为此,该公司在与解决方案提供商缅因州技术资源协商后,最近投资了两项新技术。一个是Leica GS18 T GNSS接收器,被称为世界上最快的RTK ROVER,另一个是Leica Nova MS60多站,它将激光扫描仪和一个机器人总站组合在一个平台中。根据Titcomb的说法,这些投资以可预测和出乎意料的方式获得了回报。



GS18 TGNSS rover is one of the市场上最先进的接收器。这既是最快的RTK漫游者,也是第一个提供第一个真实的“plumb-free” pole solution- 也就是说,GS18 T使用GNSS和inertial sensors to make an antenna that always knows exactly where it isand, importantly, where the end of the pole is. It doesn’t need to be calibrated before use, doesn’t need to be plumbed before readings, and it’sfoolproof against magnetic disturbances

For Titcomb, these capabilities, combined with the “trust factor”, were far more important than price when considering the investment.

“爸爸从野生的理想者开始,所以我们一直对野生和现在的莉卡·地球系统乐器有信任 - 它们是防弹的。因此,我相信这个接收器的速度与广告宣传一样快,我知道速度会为我们带来回报。”

PLS项目经理Nicholas S. Elliston说,确实如此。

“We’ve already seen the difference with the GS18 T being able to collect additional constellations and frequencies over our previous receiver. We’re now getting data in places we couldn’t have used RTK before—that’s a game changer.”

This is especially true given the particular conditions in Maine.

“We obviously have a lot of trees here, and we developed a good sense of where we could work with our previous RTK solution—more often than not, in tree cover, we couldn’t,”Elliston补充道。“对于GS18 T,我们经常可以。这意味着我们不必回到整个车站,当然,节省的旅行是一个大的储蓄者。”

But it’s not just更好的覆盖范围和更快的阅读that make a difference. According to Elliston, thecalibration-free pole is a time saver在自身。

“不having to take those couple of seconds to plumb a rod—for every single shot—使我们加快20%至30%。当我们可以将杆倾斜以在我们想要的点上拍摄射门时,这会产生更大的差异,例如,在护栏下构建角落或线条。我们获得准确的位置,而无需额外的测量或偏移或与Total Station一起回来。当考虑所有这些因素时,与以前的方法相比,我们现在在一半的时间内进行的一些项目。”


“We do a lot of roadway surveying on the Maine Turnpike,”Elliston解释了。“我经常在现场交通附近工作,现在,我可以通过靠杆子并射击而无需直接投射就可以走得更远。当然,提高速度很棒,但是更安全地工作可能是最大的优势。透明

Clearly, the investment in a more advanced GNSS receiver was a good one for Titcomb Associates,偿还更快的工作,在缅因州森林中更有效的工作,减少的车站工作以及更大的安全性。该公司通过对Echosounder套件进行测深量调查的套件进行进一步投资,从而利用了新的接收者的出色性能。

“我们将GS18 T连接到了Echosounder,现在我们可以在进行测深的调查时每秒收集一枪,”Titcomb说。“It’s pretty slick!”

What about the Nova MS60? It was a bigger bet on another advanced technology. Did it work out for this relatively small surveying firm in Maine?





So, what convinced him to take the plunge?

“我父亲总是坚信,一家调查公司需要能够在最短的时间内收集大量信息,因为时间是金钱。我同意这一点,而且我还决定现在只购买机器人总站,因为它们为我们提供了如此之多的灵活性和力量,”bob appleTitcomb解释了。“So, first of all, theMS60是一个很棒,非常快,机器人的总站。Adding scanning to that made sense for us. It lets us do work we couldn’t do before, is快多了对于某些项目,最重要的是,我已经知道我们正在做一些工作much safer带扫描仪。”

这work he was thinking of was roadway projects, one of Titcomb Associates’ largest areas of focus. The company regularly surveys bridges, roadways and intersections for a number of engineering consultants.“对于州际或收费公路项目,他们总是会为我们关闭车道,但是有些地方,例如在坡道上,很难进行车道封闭并确保安全安全,”解释Titcomb。现在,在这种情况下,Titcomb Crews设置了Nova MS60,并使用扫描功能来执行快速,准确的地形调查没有接近交通的地方。

这safety benefits of scanning are even more obvious when surveying bridges.


相反,他的工作人员可以简单地扫描整个桥梁甲板few minutes with greater accuracy than before从地面上的安全有利位置。

除了道路和桥梁项目外,Titcomb Associates还使Nova MS60忙于标准工程和建筑支持项目。该公司很早就意识到,大多数客户并不真正在乎数据的收集方式,而且他们地区很少有人希望点云作为可交付的云。但是,MS60被用作扫描仪,可以完成大部分工作 - Topos,at构建的调查,道路横切,现场监控,建筑物内部调查等等 -比传统的测量快得多,更准确,更安全,同时收集更多数据。An important side benefit is being able to view the point cloud data in the field with the Leica Captivate software to make sure the crew has captured everything they need before they come back to the office, thereby eliminating return trips.




致力于质量和始终使用最新技术的承诺并不适合胆小的内心,这不一定是每个调查公司的正确策略。但是对于Titcomb Associates来说,这项战略已经证明了将近五十年的时间,并使该公司成为美国新英格兰最受信任的测量专家之一。

“就像我父亲曾经说过的那样 - '你必须花钱才能赚钱,’”Titcomb says。“根据我们的经验,这是真的。从可靠的来源上花钱在高级设备上花钱一直为我们解决。”


该公司定期调查许多工程顾问的桥梁,道路和十字路口。Titcomb Crews在道路上设置了Nova MS60,并使用扫描功能进行快速,准确的地形调查,而无需接近交通。


这safety benefits of scanning are obvious when surveying bridges and overpasses. Instead of climbing on ladders to obtain the data, crews can scan the entire bridge deck in just a few minutes with greater accuracy and from a safe vantage point on the ground.


Being able to view the point cloud data in the field with the Captivate software ensures the crew has captured everything they need before they come back to the office, thereby eliminating return trips.

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