Where is the line? Augmented perception of utilities with AR and GNSS


Author: Renata Barradas Gutiérrez

Efficiently distributing electricity and natural gas through a network of 10,794.6 kilometres of overhead lines and underground cables and more than 2,000 kilometres of natural gas pipeline systems is a colossal endeavour.Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH(Vorarlberg Netz)是电力和天然气网格电网操作员,该网络在奥地利最西端的州Vorarlberg维持该网络的供应可靠性高和优异的服务质量。


“Knowing the position of these lines plays an important role in ensuring an uninterruptible supply. What sounds simple in theory often leads to challenges in practice. After completion of construction, power cables and pipelines aren’t visible on the surface. And after some time, even the most experienced employees can no longer answer the question of ‘where is the line?’”explains Sebastian Drexel, GIS administrator and developer at vorarlberg netz. “这是对每行进行了调查并在公司的GI系统中进行集中保存的主要原因之一。到目前为止,自然界中的恢复线一直是特殊训练的员工执行的一项耗时的任务。”

Visualising utilities with survey-grade accuracy in 3D

为了使恢复线的任务更容易,Vorarlberg Netz使用了最新的增强现实(AR)和GNSS。AR技术将数字信息叠加在提供可行的信息以解决问题或特定任务的环境上。与GNS相结合,用户可以以调查级准确性可视化和定位实用程序。

数字化可视化3D中的地理参考实用程序使Vorarlberg Netz现场工作人员可以直观地实时体验地下供应基础架构,并通过智能设备增强自然环境。“我们的服务技术人员对通过增强现实的简单和直观可视化充满热情,” says Drexel.

vorarlberg netz used theLeica GG04 plus smart antenna结合VGIS公用事业,专为市政当局和公用事业公司设计的ESRI ARCGIS的公用级AR系统。GG04 Plus Smart天线可以实时收集高准确的地理空间数据,即使在最苛刻的位置也无需移动数据连接。天线还与所有现有的莉卡·泽诺(Leica Zeno)手持式和各种Android,iOS或Windows®智能设备。

精确地将公用事业定位,团队使用GG04 PlusHxGN SmartNet,世界上最大的参考网络,用于开放标准校正服务。VGIS和GG04加上智能天线之间的集成使NMEA元数据和调查级访问,几厘米定位。Vorarlberg Netz团队快速,轻松地配置了GG04 Plus GNSS智能天线,可在智能手机,平板电脑或Microsoft Hololens上与VGI一起使用。

“我们选择了Leica GG04加天线,因为它相对较低,小巧,方便,可以与移动设备结合使用。这些要点中的最后一个至关重要,因为AR软件在Android或iOS平板电脑或智能手机上运行,​​”解释Drexel。“The combination of vGIS and GG04 plus is recommended due to the simple setup, the connection to the mobile device, reliability and the high accuracy of the products compared to the competition.”


vGIS,配对GNSS,允许用户“看到”GIS utilities in real time through the ground. This improves situational awareness, helps to locate utilities faster, with fewer errors, and in a safe manner. vorarlberg netz is currently using AR at a pilot stage to develop the know-how, search, validate, and introduce practical applications. Currently, the company is benefiting most from four different applications:

  1. Inspection of supply routes for constructions or plant coverings and location of faults along lines.
  2. 在施工活动之前,自然界的线条恢复。
  3. 不容易看到的资源的位置,例如被碎石或雪覆盖的关闭设备。
  4. 对外部公司的协调和澄清。

Vorarlberg Netz还寻求将地理参考实用程序的可视化与3D模型相结合。电力和天然气网络网格操作员使用列卡地理系统的陆地激光扫描单元来捕获现有基础架构的点云数据,该数据可以进一步转换为BIM模型。这些信息将成为设施管理的基础,负责维护例如建筑物或变压器站。

“The use of modern BIM technologies in our company requires, in addition to the planning of new objects, the collection of inventory data using a laser scanner. In combination with 3D GIS data, this opens up new possibilities in the area of facility management and the visualisation of the digital twin with Augmented Reality,”Vorarlberg Netz的地球形式负责人AndreasMätzler说。

Benefits of AR with GNSS for utilities include:

  • Visualise GIS data in 3D on the fly to locate and find underground utilities.
  • 更快地发现地面GIS数据位置问题,降低收集成本。
  • 改善路线控制,以使人满为患,犯规和沿电缆路线的故障位置。
  • 简化测量师对电缆的利益。
  • 搜索和找到不容易看到的资源和地下基础设施,例如覆盖的碎石或雪。
  • Improve site coordination and clarification of grave work.


尽管母公司Vorarlberg Netz从传输网络的进料点运输了电能和天然气illwerke vkw AG还可以进行一般技术调查,海床调查和工程测量工程,以进行隧道前进。对于这些努力,该公司还使用Leica Geosystems解决方案,包括:

“We use Leica Geosystems products for surveying electric and gas lines as well as part of GIS services for external customers,”explains Marco Ess, head of grid- and geoinformation at vorarlberg netz.


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