

Author:Beate Wesenigk

无论是在世界滑雪锦标赛,四山锦标赛还是阿尔卑斯山世界滑雪杯中,在德国巴伐利亚州奥伯斯特多夫的Schattenberg滑雪跳跃都是每年国际滑雪跳跃比赛的主要场所。计划在2021年在奥伯斯特多夫举行的第53届北欧世界滑雪锦标赛计划进行翻新和新的构建工作。这将包括一个新的“ Einkehr”跳跃综合体,以“ Einkehr-schwung”命名,这是面临体育馆的现有烹饪机构。Ing-Geovision创建了一个数字地形模型(DTM),作为计划过程的一部分。


In 1909, the first ski jump stage was built near Oberstdorf in Germany’s Allgäu Alps. Beautifully situated on a sunny hillside, after some initial scepticism, the sport was received with great enthusiasm. During the very first year, Bruno Biehler set the record jump at 22 metres pushing the limits of the facility. Plans for a new jump were devised at the start of the 1920s.

1925年12月27日,新的Schattenberg滑雪跳跃首次使用 - 现在已经93岁了。多年来,跳跃和周围的地形经过了重复的修改和反复扩展。为了改善2021年第53届北欧世界滑雪锦标赛的滑雪跳跃轨道,该设施将进行翻新。



  1. 要记录的区域的大小 - 约270,000平方米。
  2. 此外,丘陵,林区的某些区域非常困难,无法使用陆地测量设备到达。
  3. 仅在一天之内捕获所有数据的自我实现的目标。




The foundation for the survey of the terrain was measured with the Leica GS16 Smart Antenna formed from an existing six-point control field.GS16智能天线最大程度地减少了带山谷和树林的山区问题,为GNSS调查遮蔽了卫星接收。

Step 2: Measure the control points, the profile and the riverbanks

在确定控制点场时,扫描和飞行的控制点的目标是用Leica TS16总站设置的。TS16还用于测量木材的轮廓。总共产生了此方法900 individual points measured almost entirely on steep terrain


Leica Scanstation P40用36个角度来扫描该区域。全面扫描resolution of 3x3 milimetres记录了10 m。

“The P40 ScanStation took just3.5 minutesper standpointand has the added advantage that the black/white target points are available in the office. The result was a very dense point cloud made up of a total of 2,036,358,871 individual points. Full-HDR 360° spherical images were also recorded at each scan in a matter of seconds. The pictures can be read by the Leica Cyclone laser scanning software without any further processing and used for registering and processing the data,”Ing-Geovision测量主管Richard Steiglechner说。

Step 4: Fly over

为了更好地调查广阔区域,并能够使用其他方法记录无法达到的部分,使用Leica Geosystems无人驾驶飞机(UAV)进行了飞行。在UAV支持之前,生成了飞行计划自动GNSS支持飞行发生了,覆盖了所有倾斜的地形以及任何障碍物,例如跳高塔。该软件根据飞行高度,障碍物和使用Bing地图的准确性计算了所需飞行路径的航路点。一系列643架航空照片使用无人机中的附加摄像头拍摄。


Prepare the measurement data from the sensors

GS16和TS16的调查控制和各个点由专家通过ASCII文件加载到国家坐标系统中。后来将来自P40和MS50的扫描数据输入到Leica Cyclone扫描软件中进行注册。选择了其他选项进行导入,例如将点云过滤为消除不必要的错误点

“旋风的复杂过滤技术和扫描仪的脉冲测量技术的组合使消除所谓的混合像素成为可能,即发生的朦胧点en the laser beam is split over an edge and an underlying surface,” said Steiglechner.

Ing-Geovision专家可以自动将球形360°图像与点云和真实颜色相结合,并使用旋风中的“固定”选项分配给每个扫描点的真实颜色transform the point clouds from each position into an overall coordinates system使用目标标记,云约束(在两个扫描之间的重叠部分中具有相同几何形状的点云)和点标准标准。

“目标标记直接收集在旋风中。3D点云处理软件自动找到相同的云约束或部分。我们可以在有疑问的情况下使用观众来协助我们,”Ing-Geovision工程测量主管Stefan Nawrat说。


Once the data from the individual sensors was edited, all the individual points and the point clouds from the fly over were imported into Cyclone to join the already registered point clouds from the P40 and MS50 scans. All the points from five different surveying instruments were now combined in one software. Then, a visual check was made of the positional accuracy of the point clouds by cutting through the point clouds.


“这种方法减少了处理时间和错误的风险,因为数据不需要不断地向后复制,并且可以确保在不同程序中的所有进一步处理阶段都可以使用完全相同的准确信息,无论是AutoCAD,Microstation,Microstation,Microstation,Microstation,3D RESHABER或AUTODESK REVIT,” said Bernd Hafensteiner, managing director of ing-Geovision.

为了在CAD程序中绘制滑雪跳跃复合物,在Leica CloudWorx Point Cloind Cloud插件的协助下共享了开放的Jetstream Point Cloud,从而简化了基于点云的缺陷绘制。

The DTM was created with 3D Reshaper, a software systemfor creating terrain contours and extracting ground and break lines

3D Reshaper purges the point cloud and creates a point cloud group that contains only the ground points, all in barely 30 seconds. Its comprehensive settings guaranteed our team precise results,”Markus Prechtl,Ing-Geovision的测量航班负责人。

The DTM created in 3D Reshaper was transferred to the contractor as a DXF file. To give contractors access to the point clouds in a browser, an additional password protected area on the company's Leica TruView Enterprise server was set up.

To plan the new "Einkehr” jump in the Audi Arena in Oberstdorf, only a precise point cloud and a comprehensive DTM would do. Using Leica Geosystems’ technology, the ing-Geovision team provided the best foundation for the next 93 years and beyond of ski jumping on the Schattenberg ski jump arena.


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