

Building Information Modelling (BIM) has steadily increased in adoption and popularity around the globe. Defined as“a proven process that keeps projects on time and on budget, reducing rework and increasing predictability and profitability”byLeica Geosystems BIM实地考察, this 3D model-based system is saving architects, engineers and construction (AEC) industry professionals a significant amount of time and costs.

荷兰的一家公司完全相信这一概念,并完全致力于努力。BIM4ALL,成员Brevo Group,是一家创新的工程公司,旨在与AEC行业的所有领域分享BIM。致力于优化建筑项目的过程,BIM4ALL通过BIM的知识和经验来减少施工错误,并降低建筑成本。

As users of Leica Geosystems 3D laser scanners, total stations and GNSS solutions, BIM4ALL serves more than 200 clients worldwide with an average of 400 BIM projects each year. The company has made a name for itself, landing accounts by leading global companies, while also supporting more local AEC companies.

“正如我们的标签线所述,我们致力于与客户和整体行业中的“建筑价值”,”said Jasper Voortman, 3D laser scanning manager at BIM4ALL.“我们的服务改善了建筑建设,通过在办公室创建精确的3D模型来帮助减少现场的错误。”

Services for various projects


  • BIM建模

  • BIM Management

  • BIM协调

  • 3D Laser Scanning

  • BIM Academy (Partner of Autodesk and Solibri)

  • BIM可视化(与Studio X合作)

These services have been used across the Netherlands and internationally. Some of BIM4ALL’s projects include:

  • BIM在海牙进行新的住房开发

  • BIM在丹麦新建筑的新建筑

  • 荷兰政府建筑的BIM协调和管理

  • 荷兰新火车站的3D激光扫描和BIM建模的BIM协调

  • BIM coordination with 3D laser scanning and BIM modelling for renovation of a major department store in Amsterdam

“我们的客户称我们为'Bim Masters',我们为此感到自豪。我们正在创新建筑领域。就像我们公司的名字一样,我们相信每个人都可以从BIM中受益,我们的目标是分享这项技术和我们的知识,使一切都认为一切都是不可能,可能,可能的,”沃特曼说。




When using the traditional means of excavating the pits, costs would run too high and it would pose a risk to the environment, not to mention the long duration of such a project. Using laser scanning, however, a composite mold can be made to renovate the corrosive areas in less than a day.

“With our laser scanners we are able to capture each of these pits in about half an hour. That way we keep personnel out of the pits, which leads to safer operations,”沃特曼说。“成本下降,节省时间增加,环境的干扰大大减少。”

Bim4All使用了Leica RTC360 3D激光扫描仪记录5米深的凹坑。每秒捕获200万点,每个坑只需15到30分钟即可完成。结合在一起Leica iCON gps 70 T GNSS receiverwas used with the Dutch coordinate system to accurately locate and measure the depth of the pits. With an inertial measurement unit (IMU) that enables accurate tilt compensation, the staff was able to easily measure hard-to-reach areas of the pit.

The detailed scans were processed inLeica Cyclone Point Cloud处理软件然后使用3D Reshaper的Leica CloudWorx插件可视化网格以进行客户的评论。这减少了点云中的噪音,使客户能够清楚地看到坑中的腐蚀,并使其精确地创建所需的复合模具。

“我们已经与Leica Geosystems Solutions合作了一年,我们可以向您保证,它们提供了正确的工具来进一步优化我们的工作流程。”沃特曼说。“ Leica Geosystems提供的技术组合帮助我们为我们努力在每个项目中提供的客户创造了附加价值。”



作为Brevo Group的一部分,BIM4ALL可以通过其姊妹公司直接访问虚拟,增强和混合现实的创作Studio X.

So, it is no surprise, that when the contractor of the sewer pits asked what the possibilities were on behalf of a reality experience, Studio X happily stepped in.

由于从RTC360扫描中提取了高动态范围的图像,因此Studio X的团队能够创建通过Oculus VR耳机来创造虚拟现实体验。

“By being able to experience the scans through VR (Virtual Reality), our client was blown away with how clearly they could see the extent of corrosion,”沃特曼说。“作为Brevo集团的成员,很高兴将新技术带入建筑行业,可以通过优化流程并降低(建筑)成本来帮助他们做出更聪明,更明智的选择。”


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