

作者:Joost Assendelft


The network in the Netherlands includes:

  • 12,500 kilometres of pipeline
  • 3,000个阀门时间表
  • 80 measuring and control stations
  • 1,000 gas receiving stations
  • 13 compressor stations.

During the execution of maintenance and replacements, the delivery of gas to end customers continues. It is, therefore, a challenge to cause as little inconvenience as possible. For this reason, Gasunie first makes a detailed design of the pipes. Based on the design, the new components are prefabricated, so that the installation work in the field takes as little time as possible.

Gasunie结合了多个Leica GeoSystems解决方案,这些解决方案使激光扫描数据直接从现场到客户和分包商,现在可以通过重新设计的Leica HDS工作流程节省时间和金钱。在整合Leica Geosystems解决方案之前,提供了很长时间的时间花费了很长时间 - 现在,在24小时内准备好了一个精确的AS构建模型。


Lase Scanner

为了加速和改善整体流程,使用3D激光扫描与Advin Advisory and Engineering Firm共同进行了试点。已经审查了工作过程,并通过使用Leica Jetstream软件来简化点云访问和超高速度渲染,在数据处理中采取了创新的步骤。

After the design, prefabrication and transport of the parts, the new installation is assembled on site. This installation is checked using a Leica Viva GS16 GNSS Smart Antenna and a Leica Nova MS60 MultiStation linked to a CS35 tablet computer with Leica Captivate software. Inside the Captivate software, the Inspect Surface app looks at whether there are deviations between model and as-built situation and will determine whether the new situation meets the requirements of Gasunie.

The entire installation is mapped either with the MultiStation or with a Leica ScanStation P40. This measurement is processed and checked in the field and uploaded directly to JetStream server via a mobile 4G connection on the CS35.

“ Leica Geosystems系统开发的系统非常适合以优化我们的工作流程。从设计到建筑的最后阶段,这种工作方法减少了时间,因此可以节省金钱。特别是,在施工阶段,保存的点云作为资产信息可能会在多年后变得有用。此外,我们还能够扫描棕地资产,并将其转换为具有新(未来)功能的真实3D资产信息。” Gasunie的高级管道工程师Sijbrand Stratingh说。

受益于行业 - 领先的Point Cloud Project Server

Lase Scanner

The use of JetStream server has a number of important advantages. The data is centrally available in the cloud so engineers involved can directly access the data. Because the point cloud is available online, Gasunie can also access this data directly via TruView Global and/ or JetStream viewer. The firm can then use the point cloud for discussions using digital reality, making better informed decisions if needed.

The smart point cloud technology in JetStream allows data to be viewed and used without delay via an online connection without missing any detail. There is only one version of the point cloud and, therefore, only one backup has to be made. Unnecessary copies belong to the past.

The selected choice when it has to be right

Lase Scanner

Thanks to Leica Geosystems combined solutions, the 3D design generated with the point cloud can seamlessly be adapted to the as-built situation. Gasunie no longer has any need to create a completely new as-built drawing from scratch. An update of the 3D-model is sufficient.

“我们始终努力使用最先进的硬件和软件,这些软件和软件可以为我们的客户提供最佳解决方案。可靠的高端设备供应商Leica Geosystems的选择是明显的。当我们真正遇到问题时,Leica Geosystems立即提供解决方案。” Advin测量师Jeffrey Den Ridder说。“测量项目后,挖掘的坑立即用土壤补充。因此,必须尽可能高效地进行测量,并且当然没有时间因设备有缺陷或技术故障而引起的延误。”

是版本完成这些第一次测试之后,Gasunie几家大公司y positive about the workflow through 3D laser scanning and instant online sharing of data through Jetstream in the cloud with Autodesk® AutoCAD® Plant 3D.


As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.
As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.


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