Leica Pegasus:背包Wearable Mobile Mapping Solution


Leica Pegasus:背包是屡获殊荣的可穿戴现实捕获传感器平台。bob综合app赌博高度符合人体工程学设计结合了五台相机,可提供完全校准的360度视图和两个带有超轻碳纤维底盘的激光镜。它可以以权威和专业的精确级别来实现广泛有效的室内或室外文档。


BIM - 在室内,室外,地下,任何地方地图

Industrial training – reality-based information for fast response
Knowing and understanding a landscape before rushing into emergency situations can save lives. Document any site in 3D models and images for fast, safe and efficient response. Combined with Autodesk, Intergraph and other software, reality-based industrial training is enhanced with the most accurate and current data sets.

Safety & security – informed decisions in emergency situations
The Pegasus:Backpack helps you to make better and faster decisions in emergency situations due to access to more accurate data. Evacuation plans and route mapping benefit from clear and detailed images and point clouds that alert authorities to any changes. Access densely populated areas, providing accurate and current mapping to give city authorities a clearer and deeper understanding of the situation.

自然灾害反应 - 最大程度地减少伤害并挽救生命
For the first time, responders to natural disasters can capture disaster area data in 3D on foot. Faster response times translate into lives saved and damage minimised. Capture the critical data needed to make faster and better informed decisions that increases chances of survival and reconstruction.

Contact us for more information or to request a demo.

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Leica Pegasus:背包网络研讨会

Learn how this wearable platform captures and calibrates imagery with point cloud data even in GNSS-denied areas.

Learn how this wearable platform captures and calibrates imagery with point cloud data even in GNSS-denied areas.


Wearable reality-capture technology

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