Q&A on Visual Positioning and Leica GS18 I

GS18 i

Product EngineerMETKA MAJERICanswers questions on Visual Positioning technology and the Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK Rover.


为了能够测量点,GNSS传感器需要接收卫星信号。仅当GNSS RTK传感器具有access to the open sky and the pole tip is physically in reach of the point. If this is not possible surveyors can use alternatives methods such as:

  • 不同的解决方法,例如录制偏移,使用COGO功能和草图
  • Additional equipment in combination with the GNSS RTK sensor e.g. CS20 withintegrated悬臂或4米杆。这种测量方式可能是耗时的,也可能损害准确性。
  • Alternative sensors like total stations. Using such alternatives can also be time-consuming, when there are only a few points that cannot be measured with a GS sensor.

Users face an additional challenge, when许多细节需求调查。用杆尖来测量每个点需要大量时间在现场。还有一些遗漏的风险,需要重新审视该站点,从而导致额外的费用。

How does the Leica GS18 I overcome those challenges?

With the GS18 I there is no need to use other time-consuming methods or additional equipment. Due to the integration of GNSS, IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) and a camera, the points with obstructed view to the sky and other inaccessible points can be measured from images using the Visual Positioning technology within GS18 I. This new technology allows points of interest captured from a distance to be measured with survey-grade accuracy.



  • Mapping hundreds of points.
  • 测量无法访问的点,例如在繁忙的街道上,门后或危险区域(例如,在屋顶边缘上受到狗,有害公用事业的攻击的风险)。

Figure 1 - Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK rover while measuring points over a fence

  • GNSS信号阻塞的地方的测量点(例如在屋顶,阳台或树下)。
  • Measuring points on the façade of a building (e.g. corners of a window and height of the roof).


  • Measuring additional points without the need to revisit the site.
  • 生成捕获对象的点云。

Figure 3 - Point cloud generated from image groups captured with GS18 I

  • 库存的数量计算。
  • Capturing images of a crash scene for point measurements.

Figure 4 - Capturing a crash scene

Who should use a GS18 I?

GS18 iis designed for users who need to easily measure points that are challenging to reach with a conventional GNSS RTK rover. The GS18 I is the ideal tool for users to collect large amounts of data onsite. Users can decide later, which points to measure in images survey-grade accuracy.


Let’s take the following video as an example.

用户想测量沟槽中的某些兴趣点。所有需要做的就是沿着沟渠行走,相机指向管道,而GS18我会自动捕获图像。GS18 I以2 Hz的速率捕获图像,以确保最佳图像重叠和几何形状。一旦停止捕获,图像将通过Captivate上运行的算法自动处理。处理捕获的图像后,可以将图像用于点测量。
在捕获过程中,GS18我检查位置和倾斜质量是否足够准确。如果没有,则将自动停止捕获,但是处理已经捕获的图像。此外,GS18 I通过从图像中提取特征(独特的点)来建立连续图像之间的几何连接。



Which software is needed to process captured images?

GS18 I在CS20 LTE或基本控制器或CS35平板电脑上运行的迷人软件得到了完全支持。

Captivate will automatically process, position and orientate the captured images, therefore ensuring quality control already on site. There is no need to match any reference points or lines manually, as required when using similar technologies.

How can points be measured in images and which software is needed?

从CS20 LTE或基本控制器或CS35平板电脑上的迷人运行的图像中测量点。捕获图像后,用户可以立即测量现场的点。

Images can also be imported into Infinity, where users can measure points in the office on a large screen.


When using other solutions to calculate 3D coordinates from images, points have to be manually picked from each image. With the GS18 I points don’t need to be manually picked in each image as the algorithm does this work for you. When the picked point is matched in consecutive images, the 3D position of the point is reconstructed by means of forward intersection, as shown in the image below.

Figure 5 -Forward intersection




Let’s take the following video as an example of a measurement principle.

要使用GS18 I测量点,请转到开始位置,开始以迷人的捕获捕获图像。现在走,握住GS18我的相机面向角落。图像将以2 Hz的频率自动捕获。停止捕获后,Captivate会自动通过将GNSS和IMU的数据与图像中识别的功能集成到全球坐标系中图像的位置和方向。然后将这些图像保存为Captivate中的图像组。

Images are processed in real-time and can be used for measuring points right after capture stops. Using only one image, a point can be measured with a single click. The algorithm running on Captivate will automatically match the picked point in other images and calculate the coordinates of the point in a local coordinate system by means of a forward intersection.


是的,使用GS18捕获的图像也可以在Infinity Office软件中使用以生成3D点云。

How does the GS18 I differ from GS18 T?

The GS18 I is the new flagship product of Leica Geosystems' portfolio of GS sensors. It has all the functionality of the GS18 T with the added value of Visual Positioning technology.
就像任何其他GS传感器一样,GS18我可以使用所有GNSS校正服务的RTK校正。为了使用GS18 I的最佳测量性能,我们建议使用HXGN SmartNet(可以与任何GNSS设备一起使用的GNSS校正服务),并不断监视以保持完整性,可用性和准确性。

我为什么要投资于Leica GS18 i?


  • GS18我是一个versatileGNSS RTK传感器。它可用于测量具有平整或倾斜的杆的点。此外,它可用于测量与无法访问的点survey grade accuracyby capturing and measuring from images.
  • 无法访问的点很容易在图像中捕获而不会损害安全。There is no need to worry about how to measure points across a busy street or on a property with a dangerous dog.
  • Reduce field time by capturing the scene efficiently and decide later, what should be measured. This increases productivity because you can measure the points from images in the field or the office and you don't need to return to the site to measure new points.

使用GS18 i时,用户应该考虑什么?

视觉定位技术基于GNSS和IMU测量以及用集成摄像机捕获的图像。当使用GS18 I从图像中测量时,应该考虑一些条件:

  • GS18我需要在测量过程中足够接收GNSS信号。如果丢失了GNSS卫星的跟踪,则捕获将自动停止。
  • If Visual Positioning is required, avoid using it in dark conditions or when directly facing the sun, because enough features in the captured images will not be easily recognised to match them.
  • For optimal accuracy and performance, capture the object of interest from a distance between 2m and 10m.

    当捕获的图像从低的距离er than 2 m, the images can be blurred due to the fixed focus of the camera.另一方面,当图像从大于10 m的距离捕获时,精度会降低。

  • 可以从距物体小于2 m或大于10 m的距离捕获图像。在这种情况下,用户必须考虑到可以降低准确性。还有一种风险,即无法使用图像进行测量点。

  • 图像捕获速度已针对正常的步行速度进行了优化。由于图像可能会模糊,因此无法使用我安装在移动车辆上的GS18。


Product Engineer
Leica Geosystems

了解更多有关Leica GS18 I, 请拜访:www.sendai-torema.com/GS18I

Leica GS18 I
GNSS RTK Rover with Visual Positioning


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Leica Geosystemshas developed an online learning platform, to further educate customers to use the functionality of their instruments to the maximum.

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