
Water is becoming a scarce resource and it is of growing importance to efficiently use it in agriculture, particularly in arid climates, where recent droughts have brought an urgency to develop techniques for monitoring water irrigation and crop productivity. Increasing irrigation potential in the command areas requires considerable efforts, both in terms of time and money. Advances in remote sensing and GIS have offered water resource researchers and managers a new and fresh way for obtaining accurate spatial data on actual water use, water demand, allocation and distribution of water, and crop yield. For these tasks, the Leica Geosystems Zeno 10 GNSS /GIS handheld device with Zeno Office software provides the ideal solution. It is easy-to-use for non-GIS professionals, customisable and upgradable, allowing enhanced performance and increased profitability in the field of asset collection & management. By simplifying data integration from field to office, rich geospatial data of assets is easily captured and managed with one simple workflow.

El Concorde Construction是一个专门从事项目设计,工程,管理和建设的组织。该公司已签订合同,以定义一项综合的战略计划,用于在整个伊拉克开发和管理水资源,以确保该国水和土地资源的可持续管理和开发。在2015年,2020年,2025年和2035年的未来,可以看到长期项目阶段。


All the survey features for the irrigation system and also their locations, need to be incorporated into an improved database to facilitate their planning. Every asset needs to be surveyed, feature by feature. Due to the nature of the data and the required accuracy, as well as the difficulty to access certain locations, it was decided that a physical survey would prove more cost effective than a vehicle-based one.

用Leica Zeno收集数据10
For such a large survey area, with high volumes of data and with work taking place regardless of weather the right choice of the right survey equipment was essential. El Concorde selected the Leica Zeno 10 GNSS/GIS handheld using Leica Zeno Field software due to its compatibility with the existing Esri based GIS, its excellent mobility and its screen performance. In addition, the Leica Zeno GIS solution offers reliable technical support and this is essential when adopting new equipment into a business or project. A key element of ensuring rich asset detail was captured at the point of survey, making sure all data could be captured in a single visit. The integrated camera on the Zeno 10, which helped to document features with images, was invaluable for internal quality processes and assessments, and enabled the staff in the office to easily understand documentation, making it easier for them to work together and ensure the right data was captured at the time. This way, revisits were eliminated, thus minimising costs and delivering datasets without delay.

Leica Zeno GIS解决方案通过减少从现场到办公室的旅行来确保有效的工作流程,因为它提供了监视现场捕获的数据的能力,从而可以在办公室中直接集成。

使用Zeno Office的“ EasyIn”工作流程仅一键即可轻松导入使用Zeno 10捕获的灌溉网络的数据。最新数据直接传输到ESRI ARCMAP。此自动化过程非常易于维护和管理,ARCMAP生成了包含QC和处理数据的最终地图。

For further map updates that require new survey operations for the irrigation network, El Concorde Construction export features from ArcMap to Zeno Field using the equally simple ‘EasyOut’ wizard. Once the surveyors go out, they take the updated data set into the field.

El Concorde Construction的项目和地理工程师Mohammed Al-Eswid指出:“ Leica Zeno可以很容易地被带到调查地点。用户可以通过简单地拍摄手持式图片并输入已在现场测量并由Esri Arcgis进行更新的数据来收集信息。最好的事情是,您不需要几天回到办公室。”

设计了每个项目的单个空间数据库,并使用Leica Zeno Office软件来创建和管理包含所请求的所有强制性属性字段以及其他信息(例如站点照片)的数据库。它还包含下拉列表,以提高数据质量和收集速度。整个项目都由一支专业的测量师专业团队进行了调查,他们收集了40,000个功能。

由纳比尔·阿卜杜勒卡德(Nabil Abdelkader)撰写



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