The mountain calls


KlöntalerSee坐落在海拔848米的海平面,早在1655年就开始启发,苏黎世艺术家康拉德·梅耶(Conrad Meyer)绘制了第一个现代的高山全景。该湖面由岩石滑坡(Rockslide)久久以前创建,并由2900毫米高的山地massifglärnisch创建,这对于游客和艺术家来说仍然是令人陶醉的美丽之美的令人惊叹的吸引力。但是,诗人和画家不仅认识到3.3平方公里的大型仅限的潜力,这是由周围的山溪(Klön)等周围的山溪喂养的。1908年,klöntalersee在罗丹伯格和萨克伯格之间的东边扣押了一个土墩,为周围的村庄和公司发电。

Due to the new 220-m-long and 21.5-m-high earth bulk dam, the lake can carry about 39.8 million cubic meters of water, which can be used to generate electricity if demand fluctuates and during peak times.


Ingenieurteam Geo GmbH凭借其开创性的方法结合了水文和摄影测量法,计划通过使用其声音船,测量师,Leica Geosystems工业无人驾驶飞机(UAV)以及最新的定位技术来调查该区域瑞士(Leica Geosystems)在瑞士广州格拉鲁斯(Glarus)的广州。目标是生成3D模型,以精确和英寸的精确计算和对实际保持能力的模拟。

在采取了所有准备措施之后,批准过程和计划已经完成,来自卡尔斯鲁希的专家带着他们的声纳船只到达220公里以上的湖泊进入瑞士阿尔卑斯山,以常规的水表绘制湖泊的污染状况。在瑞士国家坐标系统LV03中记录了船只和Leica Geosystems无人机所做的所有测量。

这艘6米长的船只启动了172条计划的录音线,使用其Reson Seabat 8​​101 Multibeam Echosounder启动了湖泊土壤的详细图片。跟踪计以150度的角度发射声学信号,并通过测量回声的经过的时间来计算水的深度。在每秒的101梁时,以每秒30个ping的频率为频率,水平图接收床的高精度数据,刺激性为3,030个单点。专家们在每次测量轨道的三分之一重叠时,确保在测量过程中实现少于10厘米的精度。


船推出和校准后,船员们以两个半小时的长时间巡游出海,以对湖泊的性格产生第一印象,并开始创建土壤的第一个声纳数据。遵循计划的路线并考虑了湖泊的深度和质地,测量师的高技能水文图收集了足够的信息,以创建134.837.653 X-Y-Z-Coordinates的点云。总而言之,观察船的船员在五天之内就记录了KlöntalerSee的所有2,855,204平方米。



Not only rapid changing weather conditions and bone-chilling cold pushed man and machine to its limits, with the glaciated massif Glärnisch building the south embankment, the environment put the technology to the test. With its 2,900 m, the massif literally threw its shadow ahead. Through the massifs steep slopes in close vicinity to the riverside, the experts feared they might lose their GPS-stream due to signal opacity on the south side of the Klöntalersee. In this case, the determination of the boat’s position would have been carried out by tachymeters placed on the northern and eastern shore of the lake. Because of the lake’s long-drawn-out kidney shape, this would have led to serious problems to get accurate details of the boat’s position.

AIBOT X6无人机调查Kloentalersee

通过在测量师上使用Leica viva GS 16 GNSS天线,可以将具有多层声纳记录的数据分配给其坐标。凭借其内置的SmartLink技术,即使GSM网络的信号丢失了,机组人员仍然能够记录高精度数据并接收GNSS校正数据。多亏了550个频道,最先进的测量引擎和超现代RTK算法,无人机和船只的数据都可以精确地分配给测试结果。


impassable coat on the south of the Klöntalersee

Precision from the sky

After the lake was measured at regular water level from the boat, the engineers began to plan the flights for the Leica Geosystems UAV solution. To capture the shore regions overlapping with the measurements taken by the boat, it was crucial to plan the following flights with the UAV at lower water levels. After the level of the Klöntalersee had been lowered seasonally, the survey with Leica Geosystems hexacopter began.

为此,荷兰国际集团(Ing)的专家。团队地理planned the flight with the in-house built flight planning software, set the waypoints for the following flights, and determined the parameters suitable for the survey, such as height, ground sampling distance (GSD), flight speed and overlapping of the data. To record the often angled and steep terrain of the bank area as precisely as possible, the experts decided to survey each area several times to increase the validity of their data. After the flight planning on the PC had been completed and the waypoints were loaded onto the UAVs internal storage, the ground control points (GCP) around the lake were measured with the Viva GS16 so first flights could begin.


尽管有不利的条件,但来自卡尔斯鲁赫(Karlsruhe)的团队还是能够在18次飞行中收集高度精确的数据,因此在两天内覆盖了总长度超过12公里的干岸条。每两秒钟拍摄一次图片,而无人机则以4 m/s的速度移动,专家们确保了数据以最高准确性记录到飞行多传感器平台上的相机。


Combining technologies with accuracy

与测量船的录音一样,基于无人机的结果可以准确参考它们至关重要。为此,Ingenieurteam Geo的专家为无人机配备了特殊的RTK / GNSS模块,此外还使用了Viva GS16 GNSS天线,这是在这些困难条件下工作的完美匹配,以实现1-3 cm的准确性。在收集到的数据中。

AIBOT X6 UAV从西方调查Kloentalersee的视图

进行所有测量后,测量专家开始处理获得的数据。由Multibeam Sonar创建的点云必须被馈入PDS 2000轴承软件,以手动编辑和纠正它们的不精确。为了将河岸的数据集成到数量计算中,必须将所有4,400个使用无人机创建的高分辨率图像进口到飞行计划软件中,并将它们与UAV日志文件中的坐标合并。之后,在后处理软件Agisoft Photoscan Pro中编辑了Georected数据,以创建3D模型以及点云。随后,将两种3D模型组合在Autodesk ApplicationAutoCAD®Civil3D中,以生成湖泊状况的精确模型。

使用来自3D模型的数据,工程师生成了一个精确的地图,并为其客户提供了高程线。通过能够产生如此精确的结果,并结合了两种完全不同的调查大型且具有挑战性的领域的方式,工程师站在游戏中,并使用最现代的技术来完成工作。借助Boat and Uav生成的数据,专家能够满足客户的愿望,以详细的虚拟3D型号和一度米长的状态计划,并打印出轮廓线。


Once again choosing the flying multisensory platform by Leica Geosystems to rethink conventional ways of working was the right choice for the professionals to achieve the best results.

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