建造ing a better future with measuring technology


作者:Renata BarradasGutiérrez

Houses, buildings, schools, bridges, roads and any infrastructure you can think of stand not only in the material and structure that support them but in the work and know-how of the people who built them. Qualified and skilled labour has never been more vital for not only the construction industry but for the economical well-being of societies and countries. Craft trade schools, vocational schools and trainee programs can provide the valuable hands-on and work experience needed for construction projects and building construction companies.

The农村发展组织(RDO),成立于2012年并在坦桑尼亚成立,意识到学习新贸易的改变潜力。RDO与Eine Welt Gruppe Schlins合作 - Röns,致力于改善坦桑尼亚高地Mdabulo和Kilolo地区人民在坦桑尼亚高地的长期生活条件,通过可持续性和知识转移原则的不同计划。RDO通过职业培训和建筑项目为年轻男女开放机会 - 雷卡地理系统设备被证明有用的事业。

The transformative power of lasers and levels

对于该地区的年轻人来说,主要是从生存农业生活的年轻人,RDO培训中心是扩大前景的机会接受有关各种工艺交易和可持续农业实践的培训。RDO’s beneficiaries usually come from an agricultural holding and completed compulsory schooling but couldn’t continue their studies. The training provided by RDO in specialised areas includes practical and theoretical courses and is completed by a state examination.

Craft trades have no tradition here, which is why craft training places are rare, and the infrastructure for such training is generally very poorly developed. In addition, there are only a small number of secondary schools, which are only affordable for a fraction of the population,” Eine Welt Gruppe Schlins的项目经理Johannes Rauch解释说。

support the mission of RDO, Leica Geosystems donated aLeica NA730自动水平, ALeica Rugby 800 Seriesrotating laser and a distance metre to the organisation. Since then, the equipment has been key to support RDO projects.

“我们经常频繁地使用Leica Geosystems设备。这使我们的工作变得更加容易。在建筑工艺人员的培训中,这些设备非常提高培训的价值和现代性,”劳赫说。

RDO-中心位于Mdabulo - 一栋多功能的撞车建筑,与RDO-工匠学校的毕业生和学生一起建立。该建筑项目由Eth Zurich学生提供。


“The training takes place through regular lessons at the building craftsmen's school. The use of laser and level equipment is now firmly anchored in the curriculum. Every year, about 40 students are trained in the use of lasers, levels and distance metres,”劳赫说。


Leica Geosystems设备还用于该地区基础设施的建设,包括学校,建筑物和供水厂。截至目前,已经建立了三个供水混凝土储罐,目前正在两个学校建造四座学校建筑物。

“ Leica Geosystems设备在建造我们的项目建筑物中特别有用,”劳赫说。

RDO的一个关键计划是村庄饮用水设施的建设和管理。RDO和Vorarlberg的专家配备了Leica Geosystems设备,以及村民,从春季流域挖出水管进入村庄,韦尔斯和创始的水上合作社。


Planning, digging and building a water supply infrastructure in a hilly terrain with deep valleys and heights is not an easy task. To do it right, the NA730 automatic level is used over long distances of up to3.5至4公里以衡量基础与重力管道有关的精确计划管道铺设梯田。

“以前,基础是以板条和精神水平或绳索的精神水平完成的。距离最多15厘米的偏差为15米,是规则,”劳赫说。“The use of升级设备大大简化了计划,并使其更安全而且,我们已经成功地提高了准确性。”


赋予人们和想法来竭尽所能 - 这是Hexagon技术解决方案背后的最终目的。bob体育报道从这个意义上讲,RDO利用坦桑尼亚社区的建筑工具来提供清洁水的机会,提供结构,以便儿童上学,并为一代年轻人准备具有贸易和技能的年轻人,以面对当前和未来的挑战。获得测量和定位技术的访问不仅具有发展我们周围世界的变革力量,而且还提供熟练的劳动力来赚取生计。

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