Leica Captivate Inspect Road Surface and Tunnel Alignment

A few weeks ago, Leica Captivate v2 was released – included in this release was additional functionality for the Inspect Surface app – it is now possible to inspect road surfaces and tunnels.

Leica Geosystems的板载软件业务总监Alastair Green将在此博客文章中更多地解释有关该应用程序的更多信息。还包含一个链接来突出显示新功能...

Alastair, can you please briefly explain the new functionality?

Of course. First let me remind readers we already released the Inspect Surface app with Leica Captivate v1.30 in December 2015. Have a look at this video to remind yourself how this app allowed simple surfaces, such as horizontal floors, vertical walls and cylinders to be inspected – by inspected I mean to compare the reality with design

For example, in the image below the blue areas indicate where the floor is lower than it should be and the red area is where it is higher than it should be. The user has clicked in the red zone, and the numbers on the left show that this area is higher than it should be by 4.3 mm.

Leica Captivate

The new functionality is that it is now possible to also inspect road surfaces and tunnel alignments in a similar way– watch this video to learn more about this.

这是什么意思 - 现在还可以检查道路表面和隧道对齐方式?

Well imagine you need to check a road surface which has just been laid. You suspect the road surface is not per design, or maybe you suspect there are high spots, or even worse, low areas where water may collect.

Leica Captivate
A road design against reality.

现在,您可以测量所构建的道路表面并将其比较原始的道路设计 - 在田野中,您可以看到所有不容忍区域。如果需要,请创建表面的全面报告 - 所有这些都非常有用,可以检查道路各个层的完成水平或评估需要进行维修的位置。

Or if you are working in tunnel you can measure the excavation so far – and immediately view the areas where extra rock needs breaking out, or where more tunnel lining needs applying.

>Leica Captivate
Displaying a tunnel design against reality.

Imagine how much time and money this can save!

Leica Captivate
The instrument pointing to the area needing work.

OK – but how can the user indicate to the foreman the areas that need work?

简单的!从弹出菜单中,选择“转弯”点,仪器将转到所选点 - 红色激光器设备准确显示进行更改的必要位置。


This app can be used on the Leica CS20 controller, CS35 tablet, TS16 and TS60 robotic total stations and MultiStation MS60.

If the CS20 or CS35 is used, it can be used with any total station or GNSS which can be connected to either device.


No, all total stations and even GNSS receivers can use this app – simply measure the point in the usual way and compare the measured points with a design surface.

How can I learn more about this app?

The best way to learn more is to look at the videos which are linked in this blog, or on theLeica Geosystems YouTubechannel.

有两个视频涵盖了Inspect Surface应用程序的几个用例,但我敢肯定,我们的客户可以想到更多!

Thanks Alastair
No problem. My pleasure

Leica Captivate

阿拉斯泰尔·格林(Alastair Green)
Business Director, Onboard Field Surveying Software


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