狮子旋风9.0 – A Major Leap in Laser Scanning Project Efficiency


借助Leica Cyclone 9.0(用于处理激光扫描数据的行业领先点云解决方案),Leica Geosystems引入了专业,申请专利的创新,以提高项目效率。这些进步通过更快,更轻松的扫描注册,以及更快的可交付创建,从而使现场和办公室受益,这要归功于更好的2D和3D起草工具和钢制建模。Cyclone 9.0允许用户轻松地扩展到更大,更复杂的项目,同时确保高质量的可交付成果始终如一。

When Leica Geosystems pioneered cloud-to-cloud registration, it enabled users - for the first time - to accurately execute laser scanning projects without having to physically place special targets around the scene, scan them, and model them in the office. With cloud-to-cloud registration software, users take advantage of overlaps among scans to register them together.

“云到云的注册方法为许多项目带来了重大的后勤利益和节省时间。我们不断改进它,但是在Cyclone 9.0中,新的自动扫描对齐和视觉注册功能9.0代表了云到云中最大的进步- 自从我们引入以来,Cloud注册。”“ Cyclone 9.0使用户可以通过执行关键扫描注册步骤在办公室中对许多项目进行更有效的效率。随着用户增加其扫描项目的规模和范围,Cyclone 9.0支付更大的股息。注册表激光扫描数据将在这些功能中找到巨大的价值。”

b的推动utton, Cyclone 9.0 automatically processes scans and, if available, digital images to create groups of overlapping scans that are initially aligned to each other. Once scan alignment is completed, algorithmic registration is applied for final registration. This new workflow option can be used in conjunction with target registration methods as well. These combined capabilities not only make the most challenging registration scenarios feasible, but also exponentially faster. Even novice users will appreciate their ease-of-use and ready scalability beyond small projects.

Power用户Marta Wren,Plowman Craven Associates的技术专家(PCA-英国领先的特许调查公司)发现,仅Cyclone 9.0的视觉注册工具加速了对扫描的注册处理的速度,其速度比以前的方法快四倍。PCA使用激光扫描进行民用基础设施,商业物业,取证,娱乐和建筑信息建模(BIM)应用程序。

New intuitive 2D and 3D drafting from laser scans



Also included in Cyclone 9.0 are powerful, automatic point extraction features, first introduced in Cyclone II TOPO and Leica CloudWorx. These include efficient SmartPicks for automatically finding bottom, top, and tie point locations and Points-on-a-Grid for automatically placing up to a thousand scan survey points on a grid for ground surfaces or building faces.

Simplified steel fitting of laser scan data
对于植物,民用,建筑物和BIM应用,Cyclone 9.0还引入了一种申请专利的创新,以更快,更轻松地从点云数据对钢进行建模。与需要处理整个可用云以拟合钢形或隔离云部分的耗时方法不同,该新工具可以使用户快速准确地直接在拥挤的点云中直接建模特定的钢元素。用户只需要沿钢构件做两个选择即可建模。形状包括宽法兰,通道,角,T恤和矩形管形。

狮子旋风9.0 also provides users with valuable, new capabilities for faster creation of deliverables for civil, architectural, BIM, plant, and forensic scene documentation from laser scans and High-Definition Surveying™ (HDS™).

Leica Cyclone 9.0今天可用。有关Leica Cyclone产品家族的更多信息可以在bob综合app下载http://hds.www.sendai-torema.com用户可以从本网站或其MyWorld帐户在线下载新产品版本,或者可以直接从授权的Leica Geosystems代表中订购。有关更多信息,请访问://www.sendai-torema.com/cyclone



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