Advancing Mexico's transportation infrastructure

作者:Penny Boviatsou

Imagine an airport featuring six runways and serving up to 120 million passengers per year, located approximately 25 kilometres from one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. That airport, the Mexico City New International Airport (NAICM), is currently the largest Mexican infrastructure project and expected to open in 2020.



Consortium IUYET, a leading Mexican civil engineering services company with 40 years of experience, is actively involved in the construction of the new international airport and railroad.




对于这个项目,Consorcio IUyet使用各种Leica GeoSystems解决方案来捕获,建模和分析数据,例如Total Station,bob appleSitrack:一铁路维护和翻新解决方案,GNSS接收器,数字水平和施工激光器以及Leica GeoSystems测量软件。

作为Consorcio Iuyet为该项目所做的作品的一部分,使用Leica ScanStation P40捕获了2800次扫描以覆盖50平方公里的范围,并在两个月的创纪录时间内统一。这些扫描中的点云已清洗和注册狮子旋风9.1该区域最精确生成数字地形模型(DTM)的软件。这些数据用于开发NAICM的土地和空气设计。

“The Leica ScanStation P40 enabled us to acquire 3D point clouds of the study area to generate a Digital Terrain Model and create planimetric maps,” said Guillermo Ortiz, CEO at Consorcio IUYET. “This allows us to gain reliable information and high precision data for the development of the Building Information Modelling (BIM).”

铁路线将有四个车站和两个主要航站楼,其中包括梅特佩克(Metepec)的一个车站,靠近托卢卡国际机场。火车的最大速度为160 km/h。该项目还将涉及建造3.9公里,30 m的深隧道,以保护受环境保护的区域;这是最具挑战性的任务。Consorcio Iuyet是北美第一家收购Leica Sitrack的公司:One是专门用于铁路文档的移动地图平台,该平台将用于建造高速旅客火车Toluca-Mexico City。

Ortiz说:“ Sitrack:One及其集成的P40扫描仪将用于获得铁路环境的高度准确的3D点云,以用于诸如铁路几何计算,平台测量和铁路清关。”“铁路与其他运输方式竞争的能力,尤其是与道路,对于竞争力至关重要。诸如Leica Sitrack之类的新技术:可以提供很多帮助,以帮助现代化铁路并开发更智能,更安全的铁路系统,从而使旅行者和通勤者受益。”


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The airport journey experience has a high impact on travellers’ view of the quality of the airport. The route between the destination and airport will be the passengers first and last experience of Mexico.

The railroad project began construction in July 2014 and the new line is expected to open by 2018. It would be operated with a fleet of 15 trainsets giving an end-to-end journey time of 39 minutes. Using technology that allowed for easy access, the project is on track for a timely completion.

Consorcio IUYET combined several technologies in different stages of this project. TheUAV Systems被用于摄影测量和施工检查Leica Viva GS15GNSS antenna helped create the Geodesic Reference Network, and the Leica DNA03 digital level ensured altimetry control.

收集测量值的灵活性和简单性使Consorcio IUyet能够将精力集中在评估和分析数据上,而不是计算如何收集所需信息。

“Thanks to the Leica Geosystems products, our project goals are clear, realistic, feasible and designed to complete the project on schedule wth high quality standards,” said Ortiz.

该公司还使用了Leica Nova MS50to integrate 3D point cloud measurements that enabled the collection and visualisation of topographic survey data together with detailed high-precision scans. Ensuring fast and efficient transfer of information from field to finish is vital for this demanding project.

“The precision and compatibility between the Leica Geosystems equipment allows the best use of the resources for our company,” said Ortiz. “The need for accurate measurement is critical for our project; it supports precision and saves money and time. The reliability that our customers recognise in our work is a reflection of the quality of the Leica Geosystems solutions.”

Measurement supports innovation


Mexico City has an opportunity to enhance the development of the airport region, to ensure the airport’s support to the local and national economy is increased.


Ortiz说:“墨西哥城新国际机场和城市间Toluca-Mexico City Train系列将是墨西哥创新的演讲。”“被称为'未来机场',它将是世界上最大的机场之一,将彻底改变机场设计。”


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