Leaving a legacy in Vietnam with surveying & laser scanning technology


作者:Hazlinda Mohd Nuron

我的港口是一个通用货物港口,位于越南南部的BA Ria-vung Tau。自1993年以来运营,该港口旨在全年24小时为客户提供快速,有效和可靠的港口服务。当业主在获取港口的完整数据文档方面面临挑战时,Portcoast建议应用他们先前使用的技术:激光扫描以收集数据以开发端口的3D BIM模型。该港口的所有者委托了132米的主泊位和72米长的通道桥的检查报告,以及整个Phu My Port的3D激光扫描,包括院子,仓库和设施。通过扫描港口及其设施,目标是为业主提供整个站点的数字双胞胎进行持续检查和维护。

The investors in this project were keen to ensure the laser scanning was conducted with the highest levels of accuracy by an experienced team who could categorically verify that the digital twin was correct.

Portcoast is one of the most experienced surveyors of marine, waterway and transport infrastructure sites in the region. With a reputation for accuracy, they have a proven track record in carrying out similar projects in the region, such as the 3D scanning of the nearbyHyosung Vina Chemicals Port, Posco SSVN Port and their work forHutchison Ports SITV。在该项目中,Portcoast的测量师负责检查和扫描整个端口,并为最终3D模型提供质量保证。

该团队既需要速度和范围的准确性,又需要访问狭窄,具有挑战性的区域的能力,因此选择了合并的现实捕获解决方案,包括bob综合app赌博Leica ScanStation P50for the long-range scanning work, theLeica RTC360Leica BLK360。对于地形调查,现场的测量师使用Leica Nova TS60,Leica GS18TLeica图标iCR80geodetic devices.

由于其1公里的范围和1毫米的精度,ScanStation P50能够快速捕获详细的,准确的数据。同时,RTC360和BLK360激光扫描仪在泊位下捕获了孤立且难以接近的区域,在该泊位下操作较大的三脚架安装的3D扫描仪是不可行的。这些较小的扫描仪的灵活性意味着可以将设备牢固地降低到位 - 捕获Hyosung Vina Chemicals端口时先前尝试和测试的技术。


With a total area spanning around 30 hectares, the team needed to scan from approximately a hundred positions, combine the data and transfer it quickly from field to office. Rapid capture and transfer of data was imperative in the unpredictable and ever-changing tropical climate of the region.

根据他们以前与技术合作的经验,Portcoast再次选择了Leica Infinity狮子旋风office software to act as a digital bridge between site and office. Requiring just one second to transfer data the field and office, teams could then view the data in real time, working in synchronisation with the field team.

Dr. Hoang Hiep of Portcoast explained,“The Leica Geosystems equipment helps us to avoid delays in-field data processing and using Leica Geosystems’ software we can check the points every time we need to. With the new total station and GNSS equipment - the flow between the field and office is seamless, helping the engineers to reduce the time between the two places. The high speed and accuracy of the data is why Leica Geosystems’ equipment is our first choice.”



数字双胞胎不仅会继续在未来增加价值,而且在进行这项工作时,团队还在越南建立了专业知识的遗产。Portcoast的开创性方法意味着,诸如Leica Nova TS60,Leica GS18 T,Leica Icon ICR80等新的Leica Geosystems设备首次在越南和东南亚使用。


Portcoast的Hoang Hiep博士评论说,“由于Leica Geosystems产品的耐用性和有效性,再加上Leica Geosystems的培训和支持,我们能够节省此类项目的人bob综合app下载力成本。培训课程后,我们开始使用设备,现在能够将此专业知识传递给其他人。我们正在培训整个团队,以确保公司中的每个人都充分了解3D激光扫描。扫描和过程数据是我们在Portcoast日常工作的一部分。”

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Laser Scanning Industry Applications
