新的Leica GeoSystems布局对象应用程序可视化现场的VDC和BIM模型

您是否在办公室和站点之间遇到VDC或BIM协调问题?您的设计师和工头在使用不同的数据集时会挣扎吗?Bernd Moeller是Heerbrugg /瑞士Leica Geosystems的业务总监现场软件解决方案。他提供了有关令人兴奋的新现场应用程序的见解,尤其是针对建筑建筑行业布局专家的需求而设计的。该新应用程序于2017年1月17日在拉斯维加斯举行的混凝土世界首映。

Digitalisation is moving to construction sites. In that context, are building construction companies facing big changes?

伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller): Yes. VDC[1]和bim[2]不仅仅是现代术语。我们看到VDC和BIM设计的过程引起的建筑构建发生了巨大变化。这一变化为那些设法在及时的新标准中调整过程的建筑公司提供了极大的可能性,可提高效率。

昨天,2017年1月17日,在拉斯维加斯混凝土的世界Vegas opened its doors. What new solution was presented by Leica Geosystems to meet these challenges?

伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller): We presented a new solution tailored to cure some pain points of MEP layout engineers and foremen:The new Leica iCON Layout Objects app

It is bringing Design Models into reality on site. Our beta testers say, “It works really well.” I am sure, layout crews will love it. That’s why we are quite excited.It is bringing Design Models into reality on site. Our beta testers say,“它的运作良好。”我敢肯定,布局机组人员会喜欢。That’s why we are quite excited.

我们根据建筑专业人员的反馈开发了新应用程序。它旨在满足所有关键细节的需求。It will facilitate massive savings in time and money on construction sites

That sounds exciting. Tell us more about the new app. Do construction companies face special challenges in this context? What were the core pain points the new app is aiming at?

Bernd Moeller:在开发应用程序之前,我们确定了三个挑战,建筑公司实际上必须应对:

  • First, we recognized widespread coordination issues between design teams in the office and construction teams on site. Still working from different data sets, in most cases they couldn’t decide on common standards, yet.
  • Secondly, the Intelligence in the model object information could not be used in the field. That slowed down construction teams as design data often does not contain critical constructible information.
  • 第三,到目前为止,数据丰富的设计模型是布局机组人员的完全杀伤。这些模型太复杂了。我们发现了对工具的巨大需求,这有助于在建筑工地上使用BIM模型。

Sounds like "Welcome to the real life." How did you tackle these challenges?

伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller): We had three main goals. The first goal was, to bring design models including their intelligence onto our iCON field equipment- easy to understand and easy to use for layout crews, but still containing the "I" of BIM. We put much effort into the development of a good user interface. One that deserves to be called agraphical user interface

And the second goal?

伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller): Typically design models contain massive amounts of data – often data that is primarily relevant for the VDC teams, but only a subset is relevant to the layout crews so they can determine where and what to construct. Hence for them it is hard to find the structure they need for navigating in the model. It can be really complex. Our second goal was therefore, to simplify the navigation as much as possible - like in a computer game. The new app will使工头可以直接执行从设计模型对象执行施工布局任务。Watch the video to learn how to layout object corners and edges.

That sounds impressive. What was your third goal?

贝恩德•穆勒:constructi调查部门on companies and subcontracted surveyors very often are tasked with layout jobs. They are lacking the specific knowledge of the individual trades which have to construct from the indicated points. Therefore we want to enableMEP行业的交易来自我执行布局, based on their typical design data. That makes things ways more simple.


伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller): We definitely think so. The new Layout Objetct app is worldwidethe first of its kind。It is ideal for contractors looking for a straightforward solution to utilize objects directly from BIM models.直观但强大。由于图形用户界面,直观。功能强大,因为它是完全对象驱动的,这是唯一的。

The app enables construction layout straight from design model objects. Simply load IFC data directly from a design software (such as Autodesk Revit), graphically select one or several objects and immediately start laying out, create offsets from objects or add relevant details while being on site.


伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller): It is a massive simplification. The beauty of using IFC data is complete Object Classes, such as Foundations, Beams, Walls, can be turned on and off as the site progress demands.布局工程师可以简单地视觉选择他需要看到的目前工作任务

With theIFC Tree View, foremen intuitively pick only those floor level objects that are relevant for construction. Everything which is not needed, like furniture or electrical design, is simply hidden with one tap. (Click here to learn how to import and visualize IFC data)


IFC Tree View with checkboxes (on the left) to hide or unhide classes or objects.

With the所有新的Zlider酒吧(a slider in the z-axis) foremen visually “cut” the building to make hidden objects visible (watch the first video above). It's like having a Section Box tool right in the field!


New Zlider Bar

Last but not least,结构化的工作包(准备进行施工布局)在几秒钟内创建- derived from complex multi-story building models. All this is done right on site on the rugged iCON tablet.

How does the new app fit into future Leica Geosystems product roll-outs?

伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller):在建筑业中,数字化已成为必要。现在,越来越多的公司从数字化转变为数字化。Leica认为,数字化是提高效率和降低成本的关键。尽管数字化使公司能够自动化流程,但数字化进一步迈出了一步。它将办公室与该领域联系起来。

And this is exactly why Leica Geosystems will come up with a bunch of new software tools, all connecting VDC/BIM designers with professionals on site. These are MEP layout engineers and foremen, the case of the Layout Object app. The new app is apart of the iCON build v3.5 software package,也是我们将在不久的将来提出的一系列新解决方案中的第一个。


伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller): After itsworld premiere at World of Concrete on Jan 17th 2017the app will be demonstrated and promoted through our global distribution network. For demos please ask our local Leica Geosystems distribution partner.

Thanks for this interview!

伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller): Thank you! It’s always a pleasure.

伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller)

商业总监Bernd Moeller
Leica GeosystemsHeerbrugg



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