


作者:Craig Hewes



由于安装了全美最先进的基于GNSS的大坝监测系统之一,以及其他仪器改进,东湾市政公用事业区(EBMUD)已将技术制定到适当的技术监视这些大坝和堤防处的峰顶高程with improved temporal resolution. Having this type of data available is one more tool in an infrastructure owner’s tool belt for monitoring the condition and performance of critical facilities.

Designing for better data

Designing for better data

Consulting with Sensemetrics, a firm specialising in networked sensor applications based in San Diego, USA., EBMUD designed and proposed a sophisticated monitoring system based on:

  • 31 Leica GMX901+ GPS sensors
  • 四个Leica GM10 GNSS参考站
  • A radio network consisting of 900 MHz mesh radios
  • 4 GHz repeaters and two radio towers
  • Leica GNSS Spider and GeoMoS software solutions.

The use of Geosystems receivers is important, according to Cory Baldwin, president of Sensemetrics:GMX901+s是针对远程监视应用程序的专门构建的,具有不暴露的内置天线,“ 他说。“它们是我在这里的首选,因为其他供应商在这种环境下确实没有一个不错的选择。透明

GNSS参考站接收器中有三个是太阳能动力的,一个由120V AC进料提供动力。所有这些都牢固地固定在安装在混凝土基座上的Leica AR20天线附近的内部外壳内。The network is largely autonomous, needing only occasional attention。Data flow is through 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz spread spectrum radios into an existing microwave telemetry link to EBMUD’s business intranet at its Oakland headquarters, where a server runs the Spider and GeoMos software necessary to process the GNSS data and results. The results are then presented through software customised by Sensemetrics.

Five of the GMX901+ sensors as well as four seismographs are installed on the Pardee Dam connected via fiberoptic cable directly to the microwave business intranet. Theseinstruments continuously monitor dam movement and report remotely。两个GM10参考站安装在Pardee大坝的两侧和两侧,并通过2.4 GHz无线电连接连接到光纤线。

Downstream from Pardee Dam, the Camanche Reservoir site consists of one large earth-filled dam and six dikes. The Camanche Reservoir is primarily used to control releases to downstream agencies and maintain flows for the salmon. Twenty-six GMX901+ sensors are installed around the reservoir, and these also monitor and report continuously.

A complete picture of infrastructure performance

A complete picture of infrastructure performance

加利福尼亚州大坝安全部(DSOD)需要半年度监测调查。新系统提供准确的信息更快,,,,减少员工在监视上花费的时间,并且有能力tied into state-wide emergency and seismic monitoring systems当他们出现。在差不多两年的服务,DSOD monitoring requirements have been met with a more complete picture of overall performance.

“EBMUD’s infrastructure is spread out over a vast area and covers multiple counties,”鲍德温说。“尤其是,帕尔迪和卡曼奇站点距离主要办事处几个小时,半年度调查(以前进行)花费了一个多星期才完成。这个新系统或多或少地提供了更准确的数据,当然,还可以减少工作人员在此任务上花费的时间。这是一个很大的进步,它的表现超出了预期。”


EBMUD now has立即进行更多调查信息at its fingertips regarding structure performance than at any previous moment in the district’s history. By being proactive and automating monitoring systems, EBMUD has greatly improved dam safety monitoring.

“ Pardee大坝的GPS系统现在为我们提供了由于混凝土结构的热膨胀和收缩而导致的季节变形的完整图片,”EBMUD调查主管Steven J. Martin说。“借助GPS监控系统的Camanche水库部分,我们能够满足DSOD监控要求,而无需长时间的调查人员旅行,并在接近实时远程检查了任何可能的变形。”






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