Meet the Leica ConX - a collaboration and data transfer tool for any construction project

Leica ConXis our cloud platform and web interface for aggregating, managing and analysing 3D construction data. Leica ConX provides the capability to connect intelligent machines and surveyors from the job site to the office making information accessible to everyone working on a construction project in the role of designing, constructing, managing or validating the completion of work. Design authoring tools, intelligent machines and field solutions are all connected to support the seamless exchange of positioning, design and constructed as-built data.

The overall solution is the harmonization of several components:

  • Integrate allLeica Geosystems建筑作品集进入统一的工作流程。
  • Provide a cloud-enabled platform to strore and aggregate data.
  • 使用通用界面连接建筑行业中已经建立的Leica和第三方产品和应用程序。bob综合app下载
  • Allow end-users to access, visualize and analyse the productivity of the construction project in the Leica ConX web applicationthat brings it all together to create information out of all of the data.

Who is the product for?

Leica ConX links thedata prep specialist, consultant, project manager, construction company owner and chief surveyorwho all share responsibility to coordinate the sharing, managing and reporting of work being performed throughout the course of a project.

The remote interface to the jobsite ensures thatmachine operators and surveyors working on the job site have the information that they needto carry out their work. The common need is that they all require a streamlined flow of information from the very outset of the construction project from the initial surface capture, through the construction activities all the way to the final quality checks.

Where can the product be used?

Internet enabled survey and machine control solutions can be connected to Leica ConX to remotely无线接收和共享信息。Leica Conx Web界面可以访问Internet访问的任何地方。


We developed Leica ConX to address the demand on consolidating and quickly sharing 3D data as a result of the快速增加建筑工地的数字化。今天在工作现场使用的技术取决于3D定位和设计数据以及此信息流的任何效率低下,都会影响项目的生产率,威胁性截止日期和项目的底线盈利能力。



When investing in Leica machine control and positioning technology customers can choose to其产品连接到徕卡ConX平台bob综合app下载giving them to tool to aggregate, manage and store 3D data at the project level。连接后,可以远程支持每个产品,并可以与任何其他连接的应用程序或设备与客户帐户无缝交换数据。


Leica ConX is an investment to simplify and expedite the flow of critical information between the site and the office helping you to maximize the productivity of the technology and resources you invest in while reducing the burden of data collection, aggregation, and reporting.

Machine operators and surveyors can do their work as effectively as possible, and project staff can react quickly to changes while monitoring and managing progress of the project. Intelligent construction is only as smart as the data driving the work so it’s critical that there is a streamlined flow of data to the jobsite to support operators and surveyors dependent on the data to carry out their work. The remote connection to units not only helps maximize productivity but also saves thousands in costly visits to the site simply by providing remote support to users in the field.


Leica ConX aims is to have the most open, practical and user friendly cloud solution for managing 3D design data, positioning data and constructed as-built data.

建筑技术的进步为如何管理和维护项目工作流中引入的复杂互动带来了许多新的挑战。Leica Conx解决方案是通过从中删除复杂性来帮助您的帮助,以便可以在没有所有头痛的情况下立即实现好处。

To learn more about Leica ConX

Doug Eggert

Doug Eggert, product manager at Leica

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