
SNAG Program




打包我的生命(和一卧室公寓),卖我心爱的车,向家庭,朋友和同事说再见,并搬到世界的对面 - 所有这一切都绝对是性质建设。这一切都发生了很快(当新的工作是催化剂时总是这样做),在我知道之前,我在苏黎世的飞机上。拯救恩典是我在周围环境中,我已经了解了我们办公室的少数人。


除了生活方式的差异外,澳大利亚和瑞士之间的工作文化差异很大 - 与其他一些国家相比,并不像差距,但它仍然很大。虽然瑞士人往往是“早期的鸟儿”,但澳大利亚往往在当天晚些时候工作,这可能与全年两个国家的阳光和阳光的数量有关。瑞士人努力工作,但他们也腾出了家庭和花时间本质上的时间或参与一些身体活动或其他人。虽然澳大利亚人拥有美丽的自然环境,但他们倾向于将它们视为理所当然,而优质的家庭时间将更多地减少到周末。

澳大利亚人往往是相当指导,开放和任务导向,并且在解决同事或业务利益相关者时更熟悉。与此同时,瑞士人更加接受关系,不太直接,更私有 - 了解瑞士人可能是非常困难的。作为一个陆地锁定的国家,我可以了解一些想要隐私的推理。澳大利亚基本上是一个沉默寡头的大岛屿;我们也是我们自己历史非常小的年轻国家,所以也许这就是我们更容易与陌生人更容易互动的原因。既不是错误的,他们都没有不同。学习如何在这些差异上有效地导航是本身的技能,而且我仍在努力掌握。

I attended one of our Intercultural Awareness training sessions recently, and it was still enlightening to see the difference in perspectives between mine and those of the local and international colleagues in the class. This is one area that our People Development department is focusing on in terms of providing our people with the skills and knowledge about these differences. Quite often conflict can arise out of a very simple misunderstanding or miscommunication. What is visible in terms of a country's culture is quite often just the "tip of the iceberg". We are part of a global company and with the introduction of social media, web and teleconferencing solutions, and team collaboration tools and portals; the globe is becoming more accessible to all.
I've met some wonderful people and visited a lot of amazing places since moving to this country. I'm glad to say these experiences will stay with me for the rest of my life, and are now part of what has shaped me as a person. I'm not the same person who left Brisbane four years ago. I've learnt an enormous amount about life, people, different cultures, and my profession, but none of this is visible from the outside - you need to dig below the surface to understand what a person is really about.

yasmin sethi

SNAG Program

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