Leica CalMaster

Opening new opportunities with laser calibration certificates

Construction sites are harsh environments and put incredible strain on lasers. To ensure the most accurate results and to avoid costly mistakes, these tools need periodic care and calibration, but that can be a strenuous effort resulting in downtime and lost business.

Another important reason to calibrate lasers regularly is known to all contactors who apply for construction tenders or are becoming ISO 9001 certified. A proof of equipment’s accuracy with reference to the international standards is often a must requirement in both processes.

Your local Leica Geosystems representatives now offer quick and reliable calibrations with the Leica CalMaster.

Key Benefits

  • 对您的当地Leica代表进行专业检查,校准和认证的所有旋转,等级,管道,线和点激光器的最高准确性
  • 通过定期检查和校准激光,避免昂贵的错误
  • 请放心,将激光器校准达到最高准确标准
  • 作为行业唯一的校准系统发行ISO认证,您可以相信您的Leica Geosystems旋转激光将完全准确地执行
  • 巩固您的专业声誉
  • 最大化您通过校准证书获胜的机会,从而发展您的业务
  • Reduce your downtime and be back to work faster than ever

Leica校准证书 - 质量您可以信任

对校准证书的总体需求确认了新的或已使用的激光设备的测量质量正在增加。这主要是由于越来越多的承包商已成为ISO 9001认证,因此需要定期确认其设备的准确性。

Equipment calibration according to procedures described in ISO standards is becoming increasingly important in tender processes and a guarantee of high quality service.

多年来,Leica Geosystems在校准仪器的校准方面建立了专业知识,并在瑞士建立了认可的校准实验室,以实现距离和角度。Leica Calmaster的开发是为了使Leica Partners能够为激光提供最专业的校准服务,从而使激光所有者放心,可以可靠,准确地工作。


由于该行业唯一的校准系统发布了用于旋转激光器的ISO认证,因此您可以相信您的Leica GeoSystems激光器将完全准确地执行。通过这项增值服务赢得更多的出价,并增强您的专业声誉。Leica Geosystems旋转激光器的最高精度标准为您提供了新的机会,使其成为您的新业务伙伴。

"ISO 17123-6:2012 specifies field procedures to be adopted when determining and evaluating the precision (repeatability) of rotating lasers and their ancillary equipment when used in building and surveying measurements for levelling tasks. Primarily, these tests are intended to be field verifications of the suitability of a particular instrument for the immediate task at hand and to satisfy the requirements of other standards.

ISO 17123-6:2012会区分不同的准确性度量和测试目标,例如可重复性和可重复性(日期可重复性),并对所有可能的错误源进行了彻底评估。”(www.iso.org

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