Leica Aibot CX - 无人机解决方案

数字化建设站点在更少的时间去做cument progress and calculate volumes

莉卡·艾博特(Leica Aibot)

Requirements and expectations from engineers, site manager, construction companies, regulators and public administrations keep increasing. When more material needs to be moved quicker and operating margins get tighter, the bar for new technologies is raised.

为了清楚地了解施工进度和地球的最新视图,Leica Aibot CX解决方案允许捕获准确的数据来监视和调查施工现场。它为每日进度文档,库存监控和资源跟踪提供了机会,以提高效率。

Leica Aibot CX提高了性能:

  • Current data of the construction site used as basis for progress reporting, stock pile management, and more

  • Centimeter accuracy data to trust

  • Enhanced safety with remote data capture

  • 无需在数据捕获期间中断施工工作而提高效率

  • 与所有利益相关者共享一个数据集


Volume calculations

Calculating volumes of stockpiles becomes an easy task when executed with a UAV compared to traditional surveying methods. The Leica Aibot CX captures thousands of points from the air in a fraction of the time. The data is used to create a 3D model for more accurate volume calculations.

Progress reporting



Accurate and recent topographic data and orthophotos of the area are the base for the planning and design phases of construction projects. UAVs can provide recent and regularly updated images and point clouds for highest accuracy topographic information.


施工站点不断变化,使文档保持一致和良好的信息流,这是成功完成任何项目的关键。Leica Geosystems的新型航空调查解决方案Leica Aibot CX将数据转化为信息,从而为您提供了建筑工地的新视角。


莉卡·艾博特(Leica Aibot)


这个无人机平台为测量和建筑行业采用了Leica Aibot采用高性能的飞行性能和安全性。



新的Leica SkyCapp的基础是易于使用的界面和高性能飞行执行。

莉卡·艾博特(Leica Aibot)



白皮书 - 解锁航空数据的全部潜力



Monitoring of a construction site

By using Leica Geosystems UAV, it was possible to carry out a complete and accurate condition survey of the construction project every week without entering the site.
By using Leica Geosystems UAV, it was possible to carry out a complete and accurate condition survey of the construction project every week without entering the site.

Land, Water, Air

Using the UAV from Leica Geosystems to calculate volumes at a quarry, IngenieruTeam GEO is able to produce an effective inventory reduction plan.
Using the UAV from Leica Geosystems to calculate volumes at a quarry, IngenieruTeam GEO is able to produce an effective inventory reduction plan.

Digitising an urban construction site

Ingenieurteam Geo使用Leica Geosystems的无人机来监视高速公路施工的进度,在测量,保存证据和监测方面获得了最高准确性。
使用Leica Geosystems的无人机来监视高速公路施工的进度,Ingenieurteam Geo在测量,保存证据和...方面获得了最高的准确性。

Highway construction in Norway

使用Leica Geosystems的无人机来监视高速公路施工的进度,鹰眼以及跟踪大众运动的成本,记录进度并使利益相关者保持最新状态。
使用Leica Geosystems的无人机来监视高速公路建设的进度,鹰眼以及跟踪大众运动的成本,记录进度并保持利益相关者的成本...


Let us support you. Contact us to find out more about our UAV solution, speak to a product expert or request a demo.

莉卡·艾博特(Leica Aibot)SX - UAV Solution for Surveying

Do you need a UAV solution specific for surveying to get a digital data set of your site in less time to collect assets and create 3D models. Discover the Leica Aibot SX for surveying.