Digital Interoperability between Leica Infinity and Leica Cyclone Product Family

Leica MS60多学用,GS18 I和任何UAV数据可以直接作为LGS文件和Jetstream Enterprise发布

Leica Geosystems’ post-processing office software is ever-evolving with continuous improvements based on market needs. We heavily invest in our hardware and software portfolio, to ensure that our products work seamlessly together and leverage smart automation so customers are productive in every step of their journey from capture through delivery to their clients. Our laser scanning software portfolio has seen great innovations of late that add to its efficiency and user productivity. Some best-in-class features are being integrated into other surveying software, such as徕卡无限, to support customer needs and market demands.

Leica Infinity是一款用户友好的地理空间办公室软件套件,专为测量专业而设计。Office软件套件旨在管理,处理,分析和质量检查所有现场测量标准捕获的数据
bob apple,数字电平,GNSS.and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Whether it’s measuring new survey projects or preparing data for construction layout jobs, Infinity supports your workflow.

多个,一个无人机和新发布的GS18 I GNSS RTK rover, directly to an LGS file (powered by JetStream technology) in addition to publishing the point clouds to Leica Geosystems’ JetStream Enterprise server product.

By publishing all generated point cloud data to JetStream or an LGS file, users can now access that data universally across all of Leica Geosystems reality capture products such as
旋风注册或者Cyclone 3dr.,CloudWorx, JetStream Viewer andTruView。它让用户一个伟大的德al of time as they can publish out in this universally accessible format rather than having to convert files depending on the destination of their data. Unlike some industry standard formats, LGS files and JetStream projects have the added benefit of supporting all of their project data including imagery and GeoTags etc. so they don’t have to sacrifice completeness for connectivity.

LGS文件是Leica Geosystems的通用数字现实项目文件,是一种非常灵活的格式。
These LGS files are powered by JetStream technology allowing users to access all of their project data including points, imagery and supplemental information (GeoTags, metadata etc.) instantly, without import and load times, across the full reality capture tool chain including Cyclone 3DR, CloudWorx and JetStream Viewer.

With an LGS file, Infinity data can be loaded in the JetStream Viewer, where users can take Snapshots, create Markups and record fly-throughs to communicate and collaborate with other project stakeholders. Plus, with JetStream 2020.1 and later, users can load IFC and OBJ models within LGS files directly in the viewer to support rapid visualisation of models in context. In these instances, aerial data provides important context and can fill the surroundings of a site in areas that are too vast to be scanned terrestrially or modelled.

LGS文件还兼容来自Autodesk,Bentley,六角形PPM等的公共设计包的Leica CloudWorx插件,以直接从您的现实捕获数据支持绘图,分析或建模。bob综合app赌博bob体育报道LGS文件和Jetstream项目是与CloudWorx的完美配对,因为它们不仅支持点,而且支持项目图像,地理代ag和快照或在创建的标记
Cyclone FIELD 360,Cyclone寄存器家庭和Jetstream查看器。通过利用该额外的项目数据在建模或CAD绘图过程中,用户可以从数据捕获和处理团队中引用现场条件和笔记,以提供可以在使用从图像中离来的点数据时丢失的宝贵语境,从而减少错误和返工。

LGS files offer a more seamless path from Infinity to CloudWorx and Cyclone 3DR for extracting digital terrain models (DTM), tracing building footprints, or extracting curbs.

或者,通过将数据从Infinity直接发布到Jetstream Enterprise Server,多个用户可以立即访问捕获的数据以利用JetStream启用应用程序的强大协作。通过发布到JetStream,多个用户可以同时访问相同的数据,确保所有项目数据保持同步而不令人困惑和不必要的复制。JetStream简化了办公室或全球的项目协作,而无需将千兆字节复制到每个工作站。

With the addition of LGS and JetStream publishing, Infinity is becoming a more tightly integrated step in the end-to-end ‘Field-to-Finished’ workflow.

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Reality Capture Division


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Get in contact with us for more information about our laser scanning portfolio.

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