As-Built Survey

Leica iCON gps 60

The most versatile construction antenna that fulfils the needs of multiple use cases. Best return on investment as iCG60 supports rover, base station, and machine control applications.
The most versatile construction antenna that fulfils the needs of multiple use cases. Best return on investment as iCG60 supports rover, base station, and machine control...

Leica GS18 T

Introducing the world’s fastest GNSS RTK rover with true tilt compensation - immune to magnetic disturbances and calibration-free.
Introducing the world’s fastest GNSS RTK rover with true tilt compensation - immune to magnetic disturbances and calibration-free.

Leica Viva TS16

Self-learning, survey-grade total station for all conditions.
Self-learning, survey-grade total station for all conditions.

UAV Systems

Intelligent aerial mapping solution for surveying and construction.
Intelligent aerial mapping solution for surveying and construction.