Verifying absolute accuracy for records to help the world


Author: Richard Davies

It is March 2020, and British artistSacha Jafri当他发现自己在锁定期间被困在阿拉伯联合酋长国的迪拜时,他是众所周知的大流行中的众多人之一。贾弗里(Jafri)先生以他的大幅面画而闻名,他一直致力于帮助人们,尤其是年轻人的职业生涯。在过去的18年中,他的绘画的销售有助于为世界各地的儿童慈善机构筹集了6000万美元,因此他决定利用自己的时间在锁定上对各种各样的人和组织产生积极影响。

他的“人类启发”项目制定了两个明确的目标:为各种慈善机构筹集了3000万美元,同时为“世界上最大的彩绘艺术画布”树立了新的世界纪录。来自全球的孩子被邀请在线分享自己的艺术品,主题是“联系和隔离”。然后,Jafri先生将这些意见作为他计划创作的17,000平方英尺的艺术品的基础。反应是惊人的。来自140个国家 /地区的儿童派遣工作,仅在前24小时内就有超过6,000份提交的意见。Jafri先生需要一个足够大的工作空间来布置和涂上巨大的画布,而著名的亚特兰蒂斯(Atlantis)的宴会厅被选为合适的场所。



裁决者理解,需要绝对准确的画布的大小,并接近基于迪拜的PRD调查服务协助测量。自2010年以来,PRD已成为该地区在水平和垂直混合用途社区和复杂地层标题分区的领先调查咨询公司之一。他们为整个中东地区的开发商提供了一套调查咨询,现场调查,计划准备和标题的注册服务。为了完成许多任务,他们正在使用Leica RTC360 3D激光扫描仪.


PRD同意进行世界纪录的衡量,并分配了他们的调查和特殊项目经理Chris McGinty(来自英国的特许土地测量师),以进行测量。2019年,克里斯(Chris)投资RTC360时,负责推动PRD采用现实捕获技术。bob综合app赌博作为Leica Geosystems的现有客户,他毫不犹豫地与迪拜的当地Leica Geosystems技术支持团队联系,以支持世界纪录项目。这是一个他熟悉的团队,因为他们在那里采用现实捕获技术的每个阶段都在那里协助PRD。bob综合app赌博

共同决定采用两种产品来测量画布以提供冗余:bob综合app下载Leica Nova MS60 MultiStation和PRD的RTC360。两种仪器都提供了记录尝试所需的准确性,但是当天选择了RTC360,以测量由于能够在短时间内测量的高度点而导致的记录。由于帆布侧不可靠并显示偏差,因此预计 +/10mm的精度为大约 +/10mm。



Once the 3D representation of the canvas was captured with the RTC360, the data was quickly downloaded, processed and inspected usingLeica Cyclone Field 360软件。这使团队能够非常迅速地为吉尼斯世界记录审判员提供准确的画布测量。麦金蒂(McGinty)能够确认画布确实创造了新的世界纪录 - 组织者对所使用的技术和结果的速度和准确性感到惊讶。

Local support

McGinty has been using Leica Geosystems products for over 35 years, and worked with legacy instruments such as the acclaimed Wild T2 Theodolite and the Wild T2002 electronic theodolite. He states that PRD chose to invest in the RTC360, primarily due to local relationships and the support provided in Dubai.

“There is always somebody you can pick up the phone and speak to. This level of support is something that has always influenced our choosing of Leica Geosystems. I also find that the solutions offered are highly refined - from usability, compatibility, accessories and even the packaging. Everything just works,” says McGinty.

PRD决定,他们的18位测量师中有两名将接受RTC360 3D激光扫描仪的培训。这项培训采用了由迪拜当地技术支持团队提供的专门为期两天的培训课程的形式。麦金蒂(McGinty)认为,尽管他的团队是现实捕获技术的新手,但他们发现RTC360从一开始就非常易于bob综合app赌博使用,尽管他很感谢他们在此期间得到了当地技术团队的持续支持。

The team are mainly using their RTC360 3D laser scanner for checking plans of existing buildings. The information is then utilised in submissions to the Dubai Land Department and other authorities for issues surrounding titling and areas of commercial premises. PRD believe capturing the full floorplate of these premises in the form of a 3D point cloud ensures absolute accuracy of measurements. This means all parties involved are far more confident that the information they submit is correct. The speed of the RTC360 is also beneficial to PRD, as limited access to commercial sites means they have to be very quick when capturing data. They also believe that capturing all of the data and then being able to visualise sites usingLeica Cyclone寄存器360在办公室回到办公室时,软件可防止返回该网站,这可能是昂贵且耗时的。

根据麦金蒂的说法this is even more important due to COVID-19 restrictions,

“我们的员工需要进行COVID-19的测试,以便从我们所在的迪拜前往阿布扎比。在进入阿布扎比的第四天之后,他们需要重新测试。这是耗时且昂贵的。RTC360允许我们在4天窗口中,即使在大型站点上捕获所需的所有数据。然后,我们可以在返回办公室时使用Leica Cyclone软件检​​查数据并采用我们需要的东西。什么都没有错过。”


PRD对RTC360非常满意,尤其是在初始培训期间及以后的当地团队获得的支持速度和援助的速度。McGinty认为,Leica Geosystems提供的硬件和软件解决方案确实可以帮助PRD多样化和发展业务,同时使客户受益。

“The Leica RTC360 has allowed us to offer more services to our customers and complete jobs faster. The number of visits to site are reduced; this all helps us to be more efficient and to offer of these cost-effective to customers,” explains McGinty.

PRD are now investigating theLeica Blk2Go手持式成像激光扫描仪, that recreates spaces in 3D as you move. It is handheld, wireless, and lightweight, designed for fast capture reality on the move, anywhere the user goes. They believe that this may be the next step in their development, allowing them to offer more services and higher efficiency to their trusted customers.



The world’s largest painting, which was created by British artist Sacha Jafri, has been sold for £45m to raise funds for children's charities –阅读BBC新闻文章.


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